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Rosedeer's picture

Well my DH took my SS to the doctor and my SS have 18 flea bites on his back and he scratched them today until his whole back is bleding, his back look awful and then today at 3 my SS BM called my DH and wants to talk about coming up with an agreement out of court they go to court for full custody DEC.17 I think she is scared because of the flea bites I took pictures and sent them to his lawyer who is sending them to her lawyer and he is sepenaing the doctor to court. I hope we win, I wonder what he agreement will be she told my DH that her lawyer wont send it to his lawyer he my DH told her to type if up and he would talk it over with his lawyer, I hope I get to see what she wants tomorrow, I cant wait, I am sure it is nothing we will agree on, I think my DH has a great case and for once it wont matter he is male, she has been arrested and moved her house 6 times in a year and his daycare 9 times in 2 years, she is a loose cannon and I cant wait for her to lose in court, and I will be there watching the whole thing, smiling on the inside, she has it coming to her.


secondwife20's picture

It's sad that poor SS has to suffer, but it will be good to be with his loving father and stepmom and away from awful BM. I can't remember if you said this was the second time SS has come over with flea bites... if so, you have a really good case. If not, either way... having flea bites that bleed does not look good for BM's case.

Good luck, and let us know what happens!

Rosedeer's picture

Yep this is the second time he has gotten flea bites from BM the first time was in AUG then in SEPT the school sent him home because they thought he had chickenpox and that is when mom finally took action and then she got a dog last wed and now 18 more bites, I took pictures of both times and his lawyer is going to have the doctor testify in court I pray we win also for all of our sake.