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Rosedeer's picture

Well today my DH's ex called him to try and discuss a deal with custody. Court is next week and she said if my DH agress to send her the agreement and not to her lawyer becuase her lawyer did not want her to do the agreement. The agreement is they still go every three days and then every other weekend, she would get SS wed. to Fri. and DH would get him Sun. to Tues. then they would switch every other Sat. except on her Sat. we dont pick him up until 6pm Sun. and on our Sat. we get him at 9am. But BM will not agree on placement she still wants to go to court for that. Well then what are we talking about if we have to go to court for anything lets go all the way, we have spent over 5,000 dollars not to stop here, we could lose and she would get full custody but I just cant believe any judge would give her full custody she has moved 6 times in 2 years and changed his daycare 9 times, she is on depression medicine and has been since 2000 yet does not see anyone for help. she is crazy when she is not on her meds. she has threatened to kill me and has been arrested for it, she pled guilty now says she only pled guilty because she had already taken 3 days off work and spent 800 on a lawyer she says I am lying, yet she called my cell 3 times that day she threatened me, she said she wanted to talk to my DH, but lets be logical why did she call me back 2 more times if she only wanted him and he was not with me, she was going to kill me because I took her son to a local store and she said I was not allowed to be with him. I can not stand her and I hope she gains so much weight and people see her for the person she is, she most put on a pretty good show to the outside world because she able to hold a job. HELP just need a response!!!


SM#1's picture

Just go to court. She is planning something sneaky----go to court and deal with it the right way.