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Rosedeer's picture

I think that my SS BM is scared, she is the one who has fleas all over her house again and my 4 year old SS came home with 18 new bites, funny how 2 weeks ago she would not agree to shit in mediation however the same day the doctor say the bites were fleas she called my DH and wanted to talk about a deal, he told her to put it in writing and he would take it to his lawyer, she said the only thing the judge would have to decide is placement, well right now they have split custody and placement he goes back and forth every 3 days, I think she is getting scared and wants to assure split custody and allow the judge to decide the school he will go to, well my DH said he will let the judge decide it all if the judge has to decide anything, BM has been arrested, moved her house 6 times and my SS daycare 9 times he cries eveytime he has to go spend 3 days at Mommys, he told me to write a letter to Santa telling him not to bring presents to Mommys because he didnt want to go. I feel for him everyday. I just cant wait to see what her deal is, I know she doesnt want to lose the 600 a month my DH pays her and we pay over 400 a month for insurance and my DH has to pay 73% of unpaid medical bills, and my SS goes back and forth every three days, what do we have to pay anything, so she can get a new car, and tatoo and new clothes for her, my SS had pooped his pants 3 times in one day at her house and she sent him here in no underwear because she said she had no more clean, my SS has slept in her bed for the past 3 years, she says because he is scared but he sleeps in his own room at our house, I think she uses him for her own emotional needs and that is sick, she needs to put her son first, she will be 30 this June, what is wrong with her and bigger question why do I care and let it get to me?


melis070179's picture

I think you care & let it get to you because you care about the little boy. I'd be upset too!

"Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy"

The Principlist's picture

Maybe she is bi-polar. Sounds exactly like our BM. She moved a total of 7 times in the span of 3 years. Her phone number changed twice that number of times. The kids went to about 6 different schools. SD was even kicked out of one and missed 3 weeks in the 1st grade because BM insisted on her attending this very expensive private school and decided not to pay them. Only difference is that they didn't come over with flea bites, it was ants in our case. Little blisters and scabs all over their legs and ankles.

Take pictures. Document everything even if you never need it. Pictures scream louder than any words she speaks. There is no way a judge will overlook them either. Document days and dates. I used to keep record of the condition in which the kids came to us in and the condition in which they were returned to her in. More so because I never trusted what lies she would spew once she became upset about something.

Step Mother's Motto this week is:

You don't have to LOVE me, you don't even have to LIKE me... But you will RESPECT me.

Sia's picture

be scared! I feel for that baby every time I read one of your posts! It makes me sad for him. Give him a squeeze for me will ya?