PeanutandSons's Blog
On pins and needles....
I probably wont get the info until much latee this morning, but i am almost sick over the thought of the coming fall out.
Ss's School starts around 9, i think. So add in time for the principal to review the referal, to call ss to the office, interview him, tye victim and witnesses....then call dh. I imagine dh will get the call around 10ish. Then he has to drive over tk the school (he went to work this morning...???) So add another 40 minutes....then dealing with the school.
So I should hear about lunchtime what fresh hell is coming our way.
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ss12 stabbed a kid at school today
Fml fml fml
It was at the end of the day, so dh just got a message from the school. He has to go down to the school tomorrow morning to deal with it.
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How do you handle it when your bio and skid both misbehave?
I am fairly disengaged at this point. Pretty much all I do for ss is ensure that a minimum standard of health and saftey is met (ie, I feed him and stop him if hes doing something dangerous). Otherwise I leave it to dh to deal with, or not deal with as he chooses.
What happens when you fail a class in junior high?
I never got even remotely close to failing zclass when I was in school..... So I have no idea what the consiquences are.
Dh finally logged into ss12's online grade thing last Thursday. Ss was dismally failing two classes and one point away from failing a third. Ss got lectured and swore hed bring his grades up anc hr wasnt going to fail for the quarter. Dh gzve him a whole speach about a man only being as good as his word blah blah blsh. Ss has sworn over amd over that he knows what he has to do and he wont fail.
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Having my own kids just highlights how off the skids have always been
I was just watching BS-17months from the doorway. He had no idea I was watching.
He got the step stool out, anc set it up. Pushed it to the pantry and got out the jar of peanutbutter. He then carried the peanutbutter to the counter. He got out the bread and put it in the counter next to the jar of pb.
Hey Admin, is this possible to fix?
Whe a thread is multiple pages long, with new posts on different pages it ks really hard to find the new losts on any page passed page one.
So if there is one comment flagged new on page one...... But 8 more one pages 2-4, we havd to read the entire thread to find the new comments. Can the new comments be designed as new for each page invividually, rather than the thread as whole?
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Dh finally understands the depth of my ”I dont give a fuck” when it come to the inlaws
After years of them treating me and my kids like dog shit, I free a line in the sand. Those people are dead to me.....well actually ldss than dead, because I respect the dead.
I havent aknowledged their existance in about six months. Im sure dh just thought I was mad but I would get over it and play nice like usual.
Dh just got a call from step mil..... Sil has been Baker Acted for admitting suicidal thoughts to her shrink. Like usual he is rushing from work to go support a family that doesnt acknowledge his existance until they need him.
Im just so tired of it all
Didnt have time to post about it, but we got a call from ss math teacher last Monday. Hds been acting z fool kn class and decided to take it to the next level. He was thrown out of class for being out of control and was caught trying to steal classroom supplies. Dh finally got mad enough to deal with it. Ss had his ass spanked and lost all electronics.
Several times over the past week I suspected he wax watching TV, but I didnt say anything. Thats dhs job to police him. If he wantz to let his sneaky kid keep his door closed and take him zt his word that hes reading, thats on him.
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update to Its done blog......Dh's reaction
So ss was in his room watching TV this morning..... Sitting on top of his pile of dirty it was some sort of throne.
Dh walked to his door to say goodbye before he left for work. Dh askdd ss once again to clean his room. Dh then as me if I was doing laundry today. I said no.
Then when are you doing laundry?
I finished the laundry already.
But what about ss's clothes, he said you sent them back to hjs room.
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its done
Got home and ss was in the kitchen ..... He didnt even look up just finished eating and went to nis room and shut the door.
I dumped all his clothes at his door. He must have heard me cause he openned his door as I aas walking away.
I put these clothes in yojr room so they would get cleaned.
Well, your father doesnt have a day off work until Sunday. Im not smelling those smelly clothes all weekend. You made the choice to be lazy and hoard dirty clothes for a month so you can keep them in here to stink up your own room until your Dad can deal with them.
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