PeanutandSons's Blog
Just unfriended all my inlaws on FB
Yet again, none of my in laws acknowledged BS4's birthday last week. No call, no card, no visit, no gift....not even a Facebook message of Happy Birthday.
I was mad when they didn't acknowledge him last year....I was livid when they didn't acknowledge the baby being born last year....I was sad when they did it at Christmas ..... now I am just resigned. I'm not mad .... I'm just done.
We aren't friends in real life, so why pretend on FB.
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Inlaw vent- BS turned 4 on Friday and not one word from DHs family
Second year in a row that dhs entire family doesn't acknowledge our sons birthday. Everyone from my side of the family either called to wish him a happy birthday or sent him a message through my FB account. NOT ONE WORD FROM ANYONE ON HIS DADS SIDE! He has a blood grandma, a blood grandfather, a step grandmother, two aunts and three uncles on dhs side....not one did anything to acknowledge his birthday.
SD finally pissed off the wrong kid.....and dh is at the ready to swoop in and defend the princess
Apparently one of sd10s classmates has threatened to beat her up. According to SD, she told on her for passing notes during class and girl got in trouble. So now she wants to beat SD up for tattling. That's SDS version....I tend not to believe it because she always lies to make herself out to be the innocent victim. But even if this is the case....mind your own damn business and stuff like this doesn't happen.
BS3 was a brat at school yesterday....hope today is better
My normally very well behaved guy was defiant and rude and yesterday at school. He pushed another child and was removed from class twice. When his teacher told him that she was good ng to tell me that he wasn't having a good listening day he said "haha, you can't tell my mom because my daddy is picking me up today"
Need some birthday party game/activity ideas.
Bs3 turns 4 soon. We are going to do his birthday party at school on Friday. His party is batman themed and I need some ideas of quick easy games to play with ten 4/5 year olds.
So far I have thought of a few....let me k ow what you think. I need to pick two or three to actually do.
1. Bat, bat, joker ( duck duck goose)
2. Mr. Freeze dance
3. Bad guy balloon pop- put a piece of candy in a small water balloon (so it pops easier) and fill with air. Tell the kids that the joker stole the candy and trapped it in the balloons and they have to rescue it.
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Baby fever creeping in again....
Sigh.... The baby is 11 month old today....only one month until his birthday. They grow up too fast. Too Mich time wasted on skid bull crap instead of enjoying every moment.
Baby fever is creeping in. Logically I know its nuts to want to add to this chaos....but I do. My soul can see a little girl who is meant to be my daughter. Maybe with the skids gone this summer I can convince dh....hes always happier when they are gone....
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wow, skids wasted no time this week
So after dh totally let them off the hook last weekend for their behavior in school I predicted they would act like jackels again this week. They wasted no time. See previous blog from this morning for details.
The one day of the week the dh picks them up is Monday. They must have forgotten it was Monday. Both skids has horrible days at school. Bs3 had another great day. Will the connection be made that the kids with no consequences continue to act a fool and the kid with consistent consequences behaves himself consistently? Not likely....but a girl can dream right?
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Banging my head against the wall....nothing is simple in stepland
Post in comment..... Not posting when I type it here...
Drives me crazy that he just never notices
SD was, yet again, out of uniform for school today. Did dh notice? Nope. I bought this kid two weeks worth of uniforms and its only Thursday so she has plenty to chose from.... But she was dressed in a T-shirt and a short skirt for school this morning. How on earth dh doesn't catch these things is beyond me. Or maybe he does see and chooses to ignore so he doesn't have to correct the princess.
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How do you handle it when your biokids say negative (but true) things about skids
Bs3 has started to make little comments here and there that he prefers it when the skids are gone. So far I've just glossed over the comments and did a little deflection, but I am not sure what exactly to say to more direct statements. I don't want to blow off his feelings... But I also don't want to contribute to sibling alienation (if that's even a thing) by agreeing with him.