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SD finally pissed off the wrong kid.....and dh is at the ready to swoop in and defend the princess

PeanutandSons's picture

Apparently one of sd10s classmates has threatened to beat her up. According to SD, she told on her for passing notes during class and girl got in trouble. So now she wants to beat SD up for tattling. That's SDS version....I tend not to believe it because she always lies to make herself out to be the innocent victim. But even if this is the case....mind your own damn business and stuff like this doesn't happen.

Dh told her to go to the guidance counselor and was puffingbout his chest with " I can tell you right now I won't let anyone hit my little girl (saying this to me on then phone). This girl was apparently held back a year so she is 11, and SD is all upset that she is TWO years older than her. Funny SD, obviously math isn't your strong are ten and she's 11....that's one year.

Funny....when SD screamed at and threatened to murder a classmate back in November, he had no problem with it. Just had a little chat with her, then got indignant when that kids parents told him to stay away from Sd that she was a bad influence. Dh had no problem with SD berating and terrifying a three yr old girl at the daycare in December....just had a talk with her. No problem with the weekly reports of her mouthing off and disrespecting the teacher. She loves being the badass when no one challenges her back.

How I see it.....SD is getting what she deserves. She's a beligerant bully to everyone around her, and she finally met up with someone who isn't going to take her shit. Half of me wants SD to get punched and put in her place....but the other half knows that dh will just fawn over her even more if it does happen.


bi's picture

your dh is a damn idiot. he is ok with her threatening 3 year olds, but no one can defend themselves to her? yeah, she deserves to have her ass beat. and so does he.

PeanutandSons's picture

I'm sure the whole situation is totally blown up out of proportion anyways. She is a notorious liar and embellisher. She loves the drama and attention. She has these outrageous stories and when you get to the bottom on it its 90% lie and 10% truth.

One story was that she was hit by the daycare worker. We got involved and took it to the director...she looked into it. We questioned her extensively to get exactly what happened. No it wasn't an accident and it was so hard that she was hurt so badly that she almost started crying. The real story that she finally admitted when sat at a serious table with the daycare worker, the director, and dh? Her and the lady were going for the same key on the computer and bumped fingers.

Another time some kid at the daycare was bullying everyone and saying g that he could do whatever he wanted because his dad was in the military and would beat up anyone's parent who tried to complain. All dramatics and swearing it was true... Until dh went to speak to the daycare lady....and once none of the other kids confirmed her story, then she says to dhs face....I never said anything g like that. And denied the whole thing.

I don't get how he is so snowed by her that he still believes every word out of her mouth.

TASHA1983's picture

Guilty Disney Daddy bullshit at its finest right there!!! I for one am rooting for SD to get her ass put in check.... Wink }:)

Heck...I am ALL for ANY skid/kid getting their ass put in check when needed/necessary... Smile Whatever works! Wink

PeanutandSons's picture

I mean, if she legitimately getting bullied then I would be on her side. No one deserves that. But history tell me that she is not some innocent victim of bullying.

Even her own story has her sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. And her MO is to minimize any wrong doing on her part and ramp up her victim hood with any story, so who knows what really happened. But being that in every single instance where we have ferrited out the truth she has been the instigator and then sole bully herself....or flat out lying. I just don't get why eh still sees her as this innocent defenseless little angel who needs protecting. He takes her at her word every time.

DaizyDuke's picture

I work in the education system and can tell you that your DH is one of the parents that we dread/hate. The parents of the children who continuously act out at school and get called out on it, then the parent comes in and blames the big bad school district, the other kid, the teacher, the dog, the milk man, whoever... thus showing the miscreant child that their crappy behaviour was "justified" Always and forever someone else's fault.

PeanutandSons's picture

And I hardly think its a coincidence that this pops up one day before BS's birthday. She does this every year whenever one of her brothers has a birthday....she starts some drama to get the attention and focus on her.

But of coarse if I point that out to dh I am just nuts and hate her.

On BS first birthday she faked an asthma attack and we spent the whole day at the ER with her. The nurse gave her a little cup of water because she was coughing. SD though it was the medicine so her asthma instantly got better. Once the Dr told her that no, she just drank water and he didn't hear any wheezing, her asthma attack was suddenly back on full force.

BS second birthday happened to fall right over April vacation. SD told her teacher that she was moving and not coming back after vacation. Teacher believed her and the class threw SD a farewell party the day before vacation. We only found out about this because the office called dh that afternoon to say he never told then we were moving and where should they send her records

Last year when BS turned 3 was the whole " the daycare lady hit me" incident.

bi's picture

holy hell. i cannot believe how blind your dh is. what kind of an adult is this kid going to turn into? :O