overworkedmom's Blog
It seems like lately it is just one thing after another
Last night my DS6 tells me that he wants to go live with his dad because his life will be better there. After I pick my heart up off the floor I talk to him and ask him why his life will be better there and his first answer is that SS6 wont be there :O . "True" I say, "But your sister and I wouldn't be there either." He came up with a few more reasons and it came down to the fact his dad doesn't make him clean his room and the new 3-D tv his dad bought. I just told him that if I didn't pay our bills and just lived in a house for free we could have one too. But what is more important?
It's official, The Incubator has disappeared again! And Oh No! She found out she is having a boy...
If you remember my blog from last week, FSS6 told the incubator that she wasn't his mother anymore he had overworked now. I guess after that little visit (2 weeks ago), coupled with the news that she wasn't having a girl but (GASP!) a boy, she has disappeared on yet another drug binge.
SS6 in trouble at camp...
FSS6 gets in trouble for behavior often. It was getting better, he only about 1 behavior note sent home a month the last 3-4 months of school (since I moved in with my kids and had consistency in his life). Now that the incubator came back, it has been one thing after another.Violent temper fits, wining, everything possible to drive his dad and I crazy.
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SS6 said WHAT???
Yesterday during a family father's day cook out, Fsil asked FDH what was going on with the incubator. He said he hadn't heard from her since the last visit over a week ago. Then he looks at me and said did I ever tell you what FSS told the incubator? No, I didn't hear anything. So he tells me FSS was throwing one of his fits and told the incubator that he didn't have to listen to her, she wasn't his mom anymore and he had overworked now! :jawdrop: Now, I am all for this statement, it is totally true. She shouldn't be allowed the title of mom.
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My mother drives me crazy!!
I love my mom. She is an incredible woman and great mother and friend. HOWEVER, she drives me crazy!
In our family we have never had to share holiday's. My dad's family has never lived near by and we never spent any holiday's with them growing up, it was always my mom's family.
When I got married the first time my exH's parents were dead so never had to share again. None of my other siblings or cousins are married so once again, no sharing.
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O/T-- I can't get motivated
I was doing ok this morning at work and then I had to go to a stupid co-parent counseling thing with my ExH. You would think after 2 years he would be over our split. BUT NOOOO... He cried and wined and played such a victim. He was verbally and emotionally abusive to me for years. It was an awful marriage, and I finally ended it. Now that he doesn't have control over my every move he is just a nasty and malicious person all around. He has figured out that if he makes me look evil to everyone else than that makes him look like a saint.
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Sleep over at the incubator's mother's house
FDH let FSS go have dinner with the incubator and her mother last night. They asked if FSS could sleep over on Saturday night and spend Sunday with them (fyi- we have no problems at all with the grandmother, she is alright). My gut response was NO. FSS has been acting out in a terrible way lately and even FDH's mother about rang this child's neck the other day. Ever since the incubator popped back up he is dealing with A LOT and not handling it well at all. The violent fits, screaming, disrespectful attitude had just been over the top.
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Just a short brag!
Last night FSS tried to play me against his dad. Got busted and sent to bed early by his dad . I am thinking that the guilty daddy complex may be on the way out for good! Thankfully it seems that FDH knows that FSS is not neglected but loved and has a stable home environment now. I DO THAT FOR HIM! No more guilty dad giving into everything = happy SM!!
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New puppy and FSS wants to call his incubator...
We got a new puppy on Saturday. He is the cutest little thing! A mini daschund- grey with blue eyes <3 !
Anyway- FSS6 told me this morning he wanted to call the incubator and tell her about him. That mean the next time she decides to pop in (granted we don't know when that could be) he will want to show her. Then she will pet and hold my new baby... :sick:
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Having a petty moment
FDH is at his ex-step daughter's 8th grade graduation. I like the kid, don't get me wrong. She wanted her brother and my FDH to be there, she loves them, and that is awesome! She is FSS's sister and our house is open to her to come over any time. I honestly even get along with most of FDH's ex's family (they have custody of the ex-step). HOWEVER, the incubator will be at this event and I am not there. I don't know why this bothers me so much. FDH hates her with a firey passion. But it's killing me... I don't want her sniffing around the man I love.
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