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Sleep over at the incubator's mother's house

overworkedmom's picture

FDH let FSS go have dinner with the incubator and her mother last night. They asked if FSS could sleep over on Saturday night and spend Sunday with them (fyi- we have no problems at all with the grandmother, she is alright). My gut response was NO. FSS has been acting out in a terrible way lately and even FDH's mother about rang this child's neck the other day. Ever since the incubator popped back up he is dealing with A LOT and not handling it well at all. The violent fits, screaming, disrespectful attitude had just been over the top.

So, after talking to FDH we decided that if FSS can behave, act respectfully, follow directions, not get in trouble at school then he can go over sat. night, if not- then no. I told the incubator and her mother this. Of course the incubator gets down and talks to him in baby talk about being a good boy (He is 6 for Pete's sake! He is a smart kid and deserves to be treated like a person not a baby). But before they even left he had one of his out burst and I just shrugged and said "We will let you know..."

This morning, after being told to put on shoes for the 7-8 time he started to cop and attitude with me . I gently reminded him of our agreement of behaving. He piped up and told his dad "I am going to Mommy's and Gma's on Saturday!". FDH- "I seriously doubt it..." LOL I don't think it is going to happen either.

Sadly, I an not sure if I am happy or not about it. On one hand I just wish the incubator would hurry up and disappear again, it is just a matter of time. On the other hand a night with just my bio's might be nice. I can't honestly remember when we just had a night together. But I am not sure that a night with them alone is worth the fall out of a sleep over with the incubator... Why can't things just be easier and parents be responsible and actually love and parent their kids?!?!


overworkedmom's picture

She has no parental rights at all. The only reason we allow it on occasion is because the boy really does miss his mom sometimes. As long as she is supervised in her visitation (the grandma) we are...ok... with it, I guess. It is just an all around crappy situation.

She willingly signed away rights, they were not terminated by the state or anything.

StarStuff's picture

I think that since you've already told him that he cannot spend the night if he doesn't act right, then you need to follow through with that, regardless of how nice it would be to spend some quality time with the bios. Too bad he's so disruptive though.

overworkedmom's picture

We are holding firm on that. I will allow some "not perfect" behavior. He is 6 after all. If after a gentle reminder he cant pull it together for the next 2 days then he is not going anywhere. I don't need her screwing him up, I have to deal with all the fall out not that B.