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I knew it!!! (sorry to blog hog)

realitycheckmom's picture

Turns out SS caught his illness while out with incubator. FDH called her and asked her where she took him and who he was around and told her what was going on. She tells FDH that this is probably for the best because she wasn't feeling up to getting him anyway. So I am now elected to once again care for her kid on her weekend because well it's flipping easier for her.

SIGH! I had a bunch of errands to run for our move and DD wanted to see her grandparents which she will not get to see very much of once we move in two weeks. (DD used to spend a few days a week with them and we have been trying to wean her off but she is starting to beg to see her grandparents a lot lately)

Thank incubator for screwing up our plans with your selfish need to be with your kid-hating girlfriend.

Before anyone says FDH can watch SS let me just say he is working mandatory saturday this weekend which is why it was the incubator's weekend with SS.


realitycheckmom's picture

No my mom's husband is a diabetic and on the kidney transplant list so no contact for Grammy whatsoever! SS is on lockdown in his room and I swear I am going to have to chain FDH to the other end of the house. He is not supposed to have contact because he is an insulin dependant diabetic. I had to tell him about five times to get out of SS doorway. I swear that man doesn't think sometimes. The last thing we need is him in the hospital.

It's mommy time for DD and bonus she still gets her alone time with dad since SS is in lockdown. Smile