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It seems like lately it is just one thing after another

overworkedmom's picture

Last night my DS6 tells me that he wants to go live with his dad because his life will be better there. After I pick my heart up off the floor I talk to him and ask him why his life will be better there and his first answer is that SS6 wont be there :O . "True" I say, "But your sister and I wouldn't be there either." He came up with a few more reasons and it came down to the fact his dad doesn't make him clean his room and the new 3-D tv his dad bought. I just told him that if I didn't pay our bills and just lived in a house for free we could have one too. But what is more important? A 3-D TV or being responsible? He agreed that being responsible and him learning to be a part of a family that works together was more important.

SS also got in trouble at camp again. FDH had such a bad day yesterday that I didn't even tell him until he got home after 11 pm last night. He was so grumpy on the phone earlier in the evening when I talked to him I thought he would take out all the frustration on me. Then my mood got all bad because I hated that I felt like I couldn't actually tell him what happened. We talked last night and I feel better about it, he promised that I could tell him anything about SS at any time, we are a team and I shouldn't have to handle the bad behavior alone. So that was good.

We are moving in 10 days Smile . Thank God! But also we had a vacation booked and paid for before we knew we were buying this house. So now we are coming back from the trip 2 days early so that we can meet movers and get over there. FDH has been working like crazy the last 2 weeks (11 last night was actually early for him to be home) trying to make our new home perfect for us. There is just so much stress and $$$ flying out right now and I am incredibly overwhelmed....


stepmisery's picture

You do have a lot going on right now. Once you get moved things will settle down.

Please be careful how you phrase things to your child. It looks to me like you engaged in a little PAS by implying that you are responsible and Dad is not. DS is 6, he may not really be to articulate why he wants to be with his father, he may not even really understand it himself.

overworkedmom's picture

You are right it probably was a little PAS. I am at my wits end with my exH. He is seriously living like a squatter in a home that is jointly owned, refuses to pay the mortgage or let me sell. I am back with the lawyer trying to force him into doing something with it (according to the divorce decree he can either keep it and pay for it or he has to sell). He is currently 10 months behind on that mortgage.

Then last week I find out, the home I co-own with him in Washington state has not been paid on since sept. 2011 either. WE HAVE A TENANT IN THE HOME THAT COVERS THE MORTGAGE! He is just taking the rent and blowing it. So, yes, in a moment of hearing "daddy's house is better because he has a new giant 3-D TV!" I said something I probably shouldn't have.... The man is killing my credit, that used to be perfect. The thing that kills me is that he is military and I can't even get his chain of command to do anything about it. So it is going to cost me thousands to sue him to do what he is obligated to do by court order anyway!!!