overworkedmom's Blog
A little back-up please!
This morning was a nightmare. FSS6 woke up pissey as all hell. He gets like that sometimes, I get it, he is not a morning person. The normal routine is me getting my 2 bio's (4yrs and 6 yrs) and FSS up and dressed and ready in the morning. I get DD4 dressed, then go in a lay out the boys clothes, tell them to wake up and get dressed. The deal we have is that if they get dressed and I don't have to stand in there and keep on them like babies I will go make lunches (none of them care for school lunch). If they don't-- I won't. Plain and simple.
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To tell kids or not to tell kids?
Since BM has magically popped back up and decided she was going to be a part of her son's life again, drama has been flying. For those who don't know or remember BM has been in and out of jail, halfway houses, drugged up and now knocked up. She had not seen or even spoken to FSS6 in the last 6 months until last week. She has also given up all custody (physical, legal and medical.) So here is what happened:
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Just overwhelmed...
I am just having one of those days where I want to cry. Stressed at home- between FDH work schedule the past for weeks and the foreseeable future, and 3 kids, I don't even want to go home. BM is deciding to grace us with her presence. Work is just crappy right now. My family is driving me crazy, FDH's sister and BIL are driving me crazy... I need a glass (or bottle) of wine big time!
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Looks like the Incubator is back... for now...
FSS's BM called last week (after silence for almost 6 months) and wanted to see FSS. We agreed to letting him go over to his grandmother's house so they could spend some time together. Turns out they took him to the beach. That would be all well and good if the high wasn't 65, it was raining, he is sick AND they let him go in the freezing water!! He missed 2 days of school last week from this nasty cold that has high fevers with it, and they let him play in the freezing water and rain. Nice BM... Real Nice.
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"What did YOU do??"
FDH is back to working late nights this week. That means that he is not getting home until around 9 pm after all 3 kids are in bed and (hopefully) asleep. For the past 2 nights FSS6 has been acting out.
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O/T-- Exes, Parents, Inlaws and Spouses/SO's
I have seen several post from people that their SO's family has pictures of BM up in the house and that they still have a relationship with BM. It is so hurtful to the new spouse to see all of this. I am at my wits end with a similar situation.
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O/T-- We want to elope but family has different plans
Has anyone wanted to elope and had your families pissed at you?? We just want to go on a trip with our kids and make our "wedding" about joining our 2 families into 1. We don't want drama, hurt feelings, or the expense of a wedding. We just want us. I realize this might sound a little selfish but it's what we both want. It is a 2nd for both of us and this time around we want to do what makes us happy, not the rest of the world. Has anyone else out there eloped? What was the backlash?
O/T-- He popped the question!
I am just so thrilled. This weekend SO proposed and gave be a GORGEOUS ring! I had no idea it was coming which made it even better. We are still trying to contact family so I can post all the pretty pics and announce it to the world! FSS6 made a big deal about calling me mommmy to EVERYONE in sight yesterday, so I am taking that as him being excited too. My kids come home from their dads tonight so I can't wait to tell them, they love FDH dearly so I know they will be ecstatic.
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The deal with me and FSS
Last night SO looks at me after I put the kids in bed and said "what's the deal with you and FSS6? he has been pissed at you lately!" I say "No shit! He has been disrespectful and belligerent all week. Yesterday he was telling me and my kids that he wished we were dead, and you heard that! I don't know what his deal is but we need to sit down and talk to him and get it resolved". His response you ask?? Here it is: " I don't have time to deal with it". REALLY SO??? YOU DON"T HAVE TIME TO DEAL WITH IT??
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Do I tell him??
Yesterday I posted about BM being a fugitive (that still makes me giggle }:) ). She had 2 charges against her, one a felony and failed to appear in court. I didn't get a chance to tell SO before the kids went to bed but right I as am coming out of the kids rooms I hear SO on the phone. Guess who? BM's mother.
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