overworkedmom's Blog
Funny thing!
I posted a couple of days ago about being hesitant on going out to dinner because BM might have gotten out of jail and possibly showing up to her daughters bday. WELL! BM apparently was bailed out by crack head boyfriend and then skipped her felony court hearing! I looked it up on the courts website and they have her listed as a fugitive. LMAO
I am so evil for laughing at this but at least I know she won't be an issue for a good long while now!!
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SO is starting to really back me up and it is nice!
On Sunday I had a bit of a breakdown. It had been really hectic all weekend and the kids (all 3) were just really working my nerves. We were getting ready to leave the house to go to my parents for a bday dinner for me, when SO looks at FSS6 and says "Why is he wearing that??". FSS was still in basically PJ (gym shorts and a T shirt). I told him that FSS refused to change clothes and I wasn't fighting with him today. They are clean and that's about all I care about at this point.
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BM might be getting out of jail...
BM was arrested about a month ago and has been in jail since. This is actually a good thing since she is pregnant and at least has to stay sober in there (I feel so incredibly sorry for this baby). Anyway, her court date is today and she might be getting out of jail. My dread is that we are supposed to have dinner for FSS6's 1/2 sister tomorrow night, and if BM gets out she might show up to her daughters birthday dinner. I have my doubts that she remembers when her children's birthdays are but she might.
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How do you say "your turn!" to your SO?
I was having a REALLY rough night last night. I picked up my 2 kids, then FSS. Made it home for homework and snack then to karate class. It is a miracle they made it there alive because they were all 3 awful last night and just feeding off one another! I called SO who is working late and asked him to start dinner when he got home because I didn't have a chance. He said ok.
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Something sweet
FSS6 has been backing away from the the past few weeks and really clinging to his dad. He doesn't want me on the couch with them, doesn't want me to go to get ice cream, ect. So I have been backing off and not forcing myself on him. We have been through a lot of changes over the last few months since me and my kids have moved in with them. Today FSIL sends me a text and says that FSS6 said that I am his new mom and he loves me so much and that he knows I love him just like BS6 and BD4 (FSS6's mom is completely out of the picture and Lord knows he needs a mom).
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Spring Break Dread
I know many people on here are dreading the skids coming for spring break, but my dread is kind of the opposite. My 2 kids are going to my ex's for the week. I hate them going over there for the EOW that they have to do, they always come back messed up (bed wetting, temper fits, not sleeping, attitude problems). I only agreed to let him have them for spring break because he was supposed to take them to AZ to visit some of his family (who are genuinely nice people). Now, they are not going.
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Advice please
Hello! I have been reading posts on here for a few weeks and have found it very comforting to know that I am not alone in losing my mind over having a blended family! Thank you so much for that!
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