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BM text DH and she is taking another visitation weekend

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BM basically let DH know today that she is taking the next two visits cause he had spring break this year via text message. (When the court order gives him the 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends.)

Oh well. . . . . no arguing and fussing from DH on this. We are filing contempt charges against her for taking visitation in Oct, Feb and Mar.

haven't posted in a while - but we are filing contempt charges against BM

imagr8tma's picture

Since the last time I posted BM has been literally "off the chain" so to speak.

She has been withholding visitation, not showing up as the court order states, and attempting to fraud husband to get more money for insurance purposes.

So - DH filed the contempt charges with the lawyer. Lawyer should be taking the signed affadavit to the court house today or tomorrow. I am hoping the case comes up very quickly as if she keeps up with her patterns..... DH is not going to see SD very much until school starts again - in August for SD.

DAMN - Must you lie about everything....... Geez

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So DH finally gets SD last weekend after BM withheld DH's visitation last month. AND puts some medical receipts in SD's bag at the bottom under the clothes.

So DH has to pay 55% of that costs which is no problem. The receipts came up to like $150.00. So before he made a payment we called to verify the meds were actually for SD.

Only one of the receipts was for SD and that only came up to $35.00. The other amount was not for SD at all. They could not tell us who - but re-verified it was not for meds prescribed to SD.

Facebook Inbox Messages

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Does anyone know if facebook inbox messages can be used in court?

Wondering if someone is knowingly telling lies on a third party - or saying they will not follow a court order - or basically bashing and lying about the situation - and planning evil things - that are documented in facebook inbox messages - can these be used in court - say in like a custody case.

I know pictures can be used.... I am thinking wall posts can be used.... but how about inbox messages?

Geez.... Again! Will she ever learn....

imagr8tma's picture

BM has blocked yet another weekend visitation. DH gets 1st, 3rd and 5th weekends. He has not seen SD since the last weekend in January.

I guess since lawyer sent a letter stating he was complete with that portion of the court case - that BM assumes we no longer have a lawyer and she can act out and do whatever she wants now........

Damn - U would think this chick would grow up - but nope - same old crap different day

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as usual. BM is ramping up her bull crap for the summer again this year. Even after all the bull of last year - causing a new court order to go into effect that specifically gave DH more visitation and ordered her to stop all attempts at parental alienation in Sept 09 - she is at it again.

Here we go again in 2010..... Same old bull again!

imagr8tma's picture

BM has already attempted to screw up for this month for pick ups. However we don't fuss with her any more - we drive down get a receipt when we get there and one when we leave. Then we fax it to the lawyer as ammo in the next court case.

She has already filed child support court twice - one for medical - it was dismissed and again for income - it will probably be dismissed as well. We just left court Sept 09 for the same things.

Went to SD's School Today.......

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So, last visitation weekend we get paperwork from SD's mom - stating she is in a Fashion Show on 20 - 21 March and needs to raise a scholarship of $3000.00 to participate by Feb 1. AND find out SD will be having dance competitions in March (27 - 28) and April 30 and has to raise monies for this as well.

We only find out because the majority of this falls on DH's weekends and of court BM does not want to drive to the court ordered location. So DH switches weekends with her - so he can have his full weekend visits and we will still drive down to the events to support SD.


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For the third consecutive visit - my SD has not come with her medications. (Absolutely NO Medications!) She usually comes with 4 - 5 at a time most other visits.

Over the past 6 years - BM has made DH believe all these medications were absolutely necessary. Just last summer she sent DH an email stating SD could die on his watch after she found out we had latex ballons at a birthday party here in VA. (Not to mention she had them as well at the birthday party the day before)

Surprise...Surprise.... Facebook is going to sink BM this time.....

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Back in October I blogged about BM taking our weekend (Halloween - and our Harvest Fest party) she was stating SD was so ill that she could not travel or attend school. SD was out of school 5 days ...BM had her doctor write a note saying SD was so ill she could not be cared for in home of DH, could not be around other children and was to remain at home, indoors and be hydrated while on her medications.
