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Went to SD's School Today.......

imagr8tma's picture

So, last visitation weekend we get paperwork from SD's mom - stating she is in a Fashion Show on 20 - 21 March and needs to raise a scholarship of $3000.00 to participate by Feb 1. AND find out SD will be having dance competitions in March (27 - 28) and April 30 and has to raise monies for this as well.

We only find out because the majority of this falls on DH's weekends and of court BM does not want to drive to the court ordered location. So DH switches weekends with her - so he can have his full weekend visits and we will still drive down to the events to support SD.

Of course BM got upset that we did not write a check for $3000.00 for the Fashion Show participation.... stating DH could at least raise that money since she is raising money for the dance competitions. DH has gotten all the paperwork for the Fashion Show in NC - and it is only $100.00 to participate - plus we were raising money for SD's private school choir... which DH discussed with the teacher a month ago.

Needless to say - BM is not getting the extra monies from DH if she cannot keep him in the loop with the activities except to tell him when he cannot get visitation because it falls on his dates. So now that she ignores him in reference to giving and sharing information - but can communicate really well to file court cases and ask for extra money... She is upset.

AND today we rode down to NC (7.5 hours total) to give the $400.00 we raised for her school today.... SD was so excited to see us - and it felt good to give the money to her education instead of the other things her mother would rather put as a priority.... AND we gave her a congratulations card for her A-B Honor Roll. It was so nice to be able to see SD and see how happy she was that we raised money for her school... It made it definitely worth the ride.

However I am sure BM will not be too happy with that and will probably cause issues with visitation this weekend...... but oh well...... We feel SD's educational goals at school are much more important and should take precedence..... BUT I am sure it will probably land DH in Child support Court for sure.


imagr8tma's picture

yeah, i honestly think she was going to keep the rest of $3000.00 for herself. Thank God we don't take her word for anything or else we would be extremely taken advantage of.

The really stupid thing is this... for her to hand DH the paperwork with a handwritten $3000.00 in is what sparked him calling the center and asking.... to verify what we read on the website as correct. I can't believe she tried to pull that one over on us. BUT HE did not fall for it.... so good for DH.

I bet if DH asked her about it - we would get some bogus lie as to why she handwrote that amount in. So it was not even worth it. We got the truth from the Child Advocacy Center.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

stepmom2one's picture

I would get a print out of the actual amount and keep the copy of her handwritten $3000. When she takes you back for support at least you can show her reason why.

I am glad you both checked into this, if I were you I would give the money directly to the school. This lady is money hungry and obviously not afraid of any consequences.

imagr8tma's picture

We did give the money directly to the school. We drove from Va to NC - total trip 7.5 hours for us..... to give the money to SD's teacher. It was awesome - the kids were so happy, SD was just smiling from ear to ear... and they sang a song for us as well.

We kept it all - as i am sure she will be taking us to court.... and it will come up again. DH has over 6 years of documentation of things of this nature and alienation about BM and SD to boot..... So it will fit right in.

AND BM3SM1 - you are right she is not afraid of the consequences - as the court has basically just slapped her on the wrist every time until this past court case in Sept 09. But we are sure she has something for us coming in 2010.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

MiseryNMissouri's picture

wow, 7.5 hours one way or is that total trip time....but just make sure that you guys continue to document all this, it seems like SD is really seeing that you and DH are really involved and in tuned to her education... i can imagine her expression when you guys showed up...that is so great.....another reason for updating the revolution (LOL)....your post made me smile, i love to see that you and DH are willing to drive that far to donate the money in person, i know it meant so much to SD and i bet she was the talk of the, you DH is totally dedicated to his daughter....i love reading stuff like this....

imagr8tma's picture

it is total trip time.... it is tiresome on the way back... but well worth it too see little SD smiling and talking about it for days after we show up. Her mouth dropped and she came running over...... It was so priceless...

I love he is dedicated to her as well. His father was not as dedicated to him and he says he will not let that happen to his daughter no matter how hard BM tries to make it on him.

it is a little over 3.5 hours one way........

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

MiseryNMissouri's picture

wow, that is great, it is a shame that all men don't take care of their kids like our DH' is he with your BD....

imagr8tma's picture

He is great with my daughter - treats her as his own child.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************