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Still working on getting the divorce

Frecklecat's picture

As I said in my last blog, BF is still trying to get his divorce finalized. His ex requested the divorce, he granted it but she won't finalize it. BF and I went to the courthouse a few months ago to see about finalizing it ourselves and were told that it is going to cost about $300 to do so. His ex never paid her lawyer and filed for bankruptcy over 2 years ago and included the lawyer in it to avoid a garnishment of over $2000. The lawyer therefore didn't pay the money to get the final paperwork. BF asked the ex if she would pay $150 if we come up with the rest and she said she didn't have the money.

Meanwhile, BF learned from SS12 that the ex (or BM) just spent $700 on a new 42" TV!!!! Both of us were so mad about it! I asked BF didn't you get a 36" TV just before the divorce a few years ago? He said the TV was about 5-6 years old now and not a flat screen. BF had his son for the weekend last weekend and SS let out that BM thought she was going to get a huge tax refund but she filled out the forms wrong and didn't get what she thought she would. SS also let out that she is behind on rent because of the TV and she got a major speeding ticket (it was in a community safety zone-double the fine!). It still doesn't help us get the divorce because we can't afford the $300, but it kinda shows Karma can be a *itch, doesn't it?


Auteur's picture

She's never going to come up with the money and she'll be on BF's teat for the rest of her life. GUARANTEED!

She's just like the Behemoth (my BM) who dragged the divorce out for almost two years; I should say she foot dragged even making the first move in the divorce for almost two years. NOTHING had been filed in that time. I had to grease the huge stone slabs to get it moving.

Now that I look back on it, it seems that neither GG (my SO) or the Behemoth were in that much of a hurry to get divorced. Her b/c he was paying practically his entire salary to her out of severe guilt (non court ordered) and Him b/c I think he thought she'd take him back or really didn't want the divorce after all as he's literally IN LOVE with his children.

Frecklecat's picture

You have my BM pegged exactly right! She doesn't want to finalize things because she wants her cake and her pie on the side. She's had 2 boyfriends in 4 years and even had a child with the second one (who I might add is closer to SD's age than her own!). Everything is about money to this woman (even the kids). BF thinks that SD will come to him in about 1 year because BM either kicked her out or wants to charge her rent. SD will be 18 and therefore worth no money to BM (no child support, no baby bonus).