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Frecklecat's Blog

worried about SS16

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It has been awhile since I have been on this site and things have been good for the better part. SD21 now lives with her mom and half sister (different father) an hour and a half away and SS16 lives there most of the time. SS just finished grade 10 and came to stay with us for a week. We have been busy with work, etc as I had a car written off and we just finished getting the new one and my fiance is working hard at his job. The owners of the cottage he maintains are coming next week so he is doing the last minute work.

Almost 6 years and still issues?!

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I have been with my fiance for almost 6 years. I have no kids and his kids are now 19 and 13. SD19 has lived with us since last summer when she graduated high school and started working at the local Tim Horton's. SS13 lives with BM about a hour and a half away. My fiance, SD and I also live with fiance's mother in a three bedroom house.

What is Happening?!

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As you know if you've read my other blogs from the last little while, lots is happening with the skids and BM right now. To recap, about 2 months ago, BF approached BM about paying $150 to finalize the divorce and she said she didn't have the money. A few weeks ago, she went out and bought a new 42" TV. It came out last weekend when BF had SS12 for a visit that he got their old 36" TV (which still works fine) for his bedroom to hook up to his wii. A few days ago, BM buys him a new video game as an early Easter present.

Still working on getting the divorce

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As I said in my last blog, BF is still trying to get his divorce finalized. His ex requested the divorce, he granted it but she won't finalize it. BF and I went to the courthouse a few months ago to see about finalizing it ourselves and were told that it is going to cost about $300 to do so. His ex never paid her lawyer and filed for bankruptcy over 2 years ago and included the lawyer in it to avoid a garnishment of over $2000. The lawyer therefore didn't pay the money to get the final paperwork.

BF got a backbone!!

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BF picked up the skids for March Break on Friday night. He takes them to his mom's so when we talk on the phone each night we don't say much because they can hear. Last night we went out with friends and I asked how things went on Friday.

Looking for Advice

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Forgive me if this is a little long:

My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 3 years and he has a 16 year old daughter and a 10 year old son. I don't have any children. They live with their BM and her boyfriend most of the time but my DH has the kids on Tuesday nights and every other weekend. Their BM just had another child with her new boyfriend. My DH splits his time between living with me and staying at his mother's (especially when he has his kids).