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Dontfeedthetrolls's Blog

Misses mom.

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Looking for some input.

SO and BM have been separated about 2 years. He's had the kids consistently every other weekend since I've known him. We did 6 weeks in the summer. Nothing has changed there.

Out of nowhere his youngest is now starting to say he's scared and that he misses mom.

He only does this when he's trying to avoid something like going to bed. His affect doesn't match what he's saying either.

It's not your job.

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One of the things I see here a lot that bothers me is this repeated statement that it’s bio parents responsibility to do something as if that absolves a step parent of all responsibilities.

It’s the go to response for EVERY single problem it seems.
“StepKid looked at me wrong today.” DISENGAGE.
“StepKid smells bad after being with BM.” DISENGAGE.
“StepKid won’t eat my meatloaf.” DISENGAGE.
“StepKid was sick so I couldn’t go to the mall today because I had to watch them while Bioparent was at work.” DISENGAGE.

Realizations about family.

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This year has been a real eye opener when it comes to my family and the way they see things.

Let me start with SO and I of course are not married, nor are we engaged. His divorce is currently waiting on the hearing which could be who knows when. That being said it is pretty clear that the intent is for us to get married though. Him and his two children are what I consider "my little family."

When looking at my little family I've started to realize more and more about my big family.

Bathroom Saga of the 5 year old. (Long)

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I've been writing about SO's son's bathroom issues for a while. The kid was potty trained over a year ago then in the spring for no apparent reason he stated pooping in his pants.

We have no clue how big of an issue this is at BM's because we get mixed responses from:
"It doesn't happen here."
"It only happens because he can't take off his pants fast enough."

It's not an attack.

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BM is impossible to coparent with.

SO contacted her because one of the kid has had an ongoing sniffle for over a month now.

3 visits ago it didn't concern us at all. Last visit we noticed it was still happening.
This weekend we realized it's still going on and maybe we should be concerned.

It's not a big deal just a little sniffly but the fact that it's still there was why he contacted her.

She's gotten smarter.

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BM is back to whoring around.... This time shes dating a guy while sleeping with people that he's ok with. So far though it seems like she's keeping it from the kids atleast but I wonder how long before it impacts them. She never does handle relationship issues well.

I give it 2 more weeks before she introduces the guy to the kids then moves him in and starts the whole future step daddy crap again.

I wish you were dead and how to cope?

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Both of SO’s kids (7 and 4) have been making comments that very much bother us.

They get downright mean with each other but the words they use are extremely disturbing.

The little on has in the past told his sister “I wish you were dead.” Then this weekend the oldest in anger said about how she wanted to hurt her brother with a knife.

So excited

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We've been saving a bit every pay check for a trip we want to take with the kids in the spring and I got to book it today.

So excited but slightly annoyed. We know and my mom knows because she's going to join us but we can't tell the kids because of BM.

So it has to stay a secret until we're pretty much in the car and on the way. We just can't trust her not to cause problems. I want to tell them so bad though uggggg.
