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Dontfeedthetrolls's Blog

Not gonna happen

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So BM apparently had to bring a friend up to our city for a doctor's appointment. The story was plausible and she asked if she could see the kids for a bit. SO said yes. She had them for about an hour. I was returning from the pool when she pulled up and could here son screaming in the car.

He was upset saying he wanted to go to mom's house which I understand. She could have done a bit better over all on handling it but I'm more upset about what she told him.

Not fair to them.

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Well that didn't last. BM's most recent guy was someone she knew less than a month before she and the kids moved in with. That was after two other guys whom she met and introduced to the kids only to break up with in less than a month each. Well they moved into a bigger place and she made such a big deal about just how happy everyone was.

Yeah apparently not enough for him to even say bye. She apparently came home the other day to find him and his stuff gone. She of course is upset and doesn't know what to tell the kids.

Pushing limits / unsure of what to do.

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My SO works nights which means I'm left with the kids shortly before bedtime. I do story time and put them to bed by 9 while their dad leaves by 8:45 at the latest and that's pushing it.

Some nights aren't a problem but then you have nights like tonight. The kids share a room because we just don't have the ability to rent a 3 bedroom. This means they have bunkbeds. The son is 4 and tiny. He knows he is NOT allowed on the top bunk or on the stairs. They know not to hang off of the end of the top bed. It's about safety. If he fell he'd get hurt and BM would raise hell.

One week in

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We are one week into the 6 week summer visitation. I'm tired but its been decent. We're trying to find the balance and I know my SO is extremely tried. He works nights but of course has to be up with the kids while I'm at work. When I've been off I've tried to get them out of the house for at least a few hours by going to the library or park. When we're in the house I try to keep an eye on them so that he can get some sleep.

Him and I have had a few minor bumps.

BM undermining

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So the BM is on the phone with the kids. They were with dad speaking then brought the phone put to the living room where I am.

First BM is saying that there's no reason the injury to the boys privet parts would keep them from swimming. She saying it's like just like a rash. I left it up to their dad. He's the one caring for it. It's a tear that got infected and is still red so he said no to going to the pool till it's more healed.

That little....

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

After everything today I'm exhausted. Nothing bad just busy. I put the kids to bed at 9 and then son comes in just a bit ago asking for a story. I said no and that he should be in bed.

Swore I wouldn't get up but as he's walking out of the room he's almost crying and saying about how we didn't do a bedtime story.

Damn it. So I got up picked a shorter book then the one he wanted and took the 3 minutes to read it. He still wanted the other but I held on that and told him it was too late and we did one.

Just another rant about a childish BM.

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So this past week has been crap. Through all the medical bull crap and BM's refusal to communicate / controlling crap she still can't read the stupid visitation agreement.

Since she ignore SO's messages requesting to know where I'm picking them up tonight to the point of flat out ignoring him when he asked at the hospital he finnaly sent today that I would be following the agreement.

She then sent back a message griping that he talked to her mom already and didn't let her decide.

Controlling doctor access.

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SO's son has to return to the doctor in 2 weeks which means it's during SO's summer visitation. I had to take the phone to keep SO from going ballistic and texting all sorts of not nice things. What it comes down to is BM will not tell SO who the child's main doctor is and where.

She is refusing to let him set the appointment and at first tried to say she would just take the boy during the 2 days she gets him during the break which is 5 weeks from now.

Poor BM.

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It funny how I got attacked my BM's friend and told that I should be keeping things privet. Yet my boyfriends ex feels free to bitch in her public page about how he doesn't care about the kids since he's demanding they stick to the standard visitation agreement.

She wants to cry that he gets the kids for 6 weeks this summer but they can't handle being away from her one weekend. Odd they seem pretty happy each weekend they are here and she didn't have trouble leaving them with her other family memebers all the time last summer.

What happen to Mother's Day?

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So earlier this week BM messaged SO to know what time the SO would be bringing the kids back Saturday for Mother's Day. He replied they would be back by 9AM Sunday as the paperwork said.

She also tried saying the kids had some event Friday night and they wanted to go and he informed her that he would be following the visitation agreement.

Everything seemed cleared.

Pick up kids Friday. A from school then M from moms. A had a present for mom but hid it in the jeep because she wanted to give it to her on Mother's Day..
