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That little....

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

After everything today I'm exhausted. Nothing bad just busy. I put the kids to bed at 9 and then son comes in just a bit ago asking for a story. I said no and that he should be in bed.

Swore I wouldn't get up but as he's walking out of the room he's almost crying and saying about how we didn't do a bedtime story.

Damn it. So I got up picked a shorter book then the one he wanted and took the 3 minutes to read it. He still wanted the other but I held on that and told him it was too late and we did one.

Kid didn't even like bedtime stories when I first met him. Now he's able to weasel one out of me even half an hour after bed time.

He wanted Press Here which for those who haven't seen it it's fun but the kids are suppose to do stuff throughout the whole thing takes us atleast 15 minutes cause both kids of course want to touch the dot 5 times ect.


Acratopotes's picture

hehehehe guess you have to suck it up then and vent here like crazy to keep some sanity.....

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Agreed. Honestly it wasn't too big of a deal.

I just love how he's changed from the kid who throw a fit when I tried to do story time to the kid that was able to con one out of me. "But we didn't do it." NOPE, not gonna, I said bedtime, DAMN IT FINE.

I know part of it was his way of getting to stay up later but I'm willing to bend a bit for stuff like that and in the grand view it didn't hurt any of us.

Bedtime stories are important to me and I should have done it at 9 when I put them to bed.

Acratopotes's picture

what about using the bed time story as leverage of getting your way and teaching the kid something about consequences..

Simply say at 7pm Kiddo if you want me to read you a bedtime story you have to quickly bath and be in bed by 7:45..
then we can read a long story, if you do not do this, then there's no story...

something like this

Dontfeedthetrolls's picture

Normally we don't have an issue with any of this. Last night it just didn't happen the normal way because we are adjusting to summer and their dad being gone during the night.

EOWE visits dad is totally home for but there was no way he could take off for 6 weeks. He leaves out by 8:30.

Last night things were running late on the bed time routine because the past two nights we kind of let it slide so they could adjust. Like the night before I let them stay up with me and we watched a movie so they went to bed late.

He got the kids bathed and everything before he left then they wanted to build a blanket fort and were still messing with it by 9 so I didn't think about sitting down for the story when I turned the lights out at 9.

Daughter climbed into her bed and son seemed to be sleeping in the fort. I think he just didn't want to go to bed and got to thinking about what he could do then remember "wait we didn't do story time."

So he kind of got what he wanted which was permission to be up a bit later but after we did the story that was it. He didn't come ask me for anything else so I still think it was an ok night. Tonight I'll just make sure to remember story time when I put them down for bed.