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Why Can't She Be Nice...for once!

chantal's picture

The "her" I'm referring to is my SD's BM...I mean BioBiaach. I get so put out by her always passing judgment with no merit, I could spit. You see she thinks her daughter's are perfect or at least when they visit her every other weekend, I should say. She doesn't have custody of them, if that tells you anything. Yeah I mean the woman is out there. When the girls visit, it is her goal to drill them on what has occurred in our home while they've been gone to the point of minute by minute play. This baffles me because, firstly I think....Why does she care? Why does she see a need to pick apart our household? Well, first of all she is IMMATURE and unable to let go of the past and move on with her life. Second, she's not capable of seeing the good in others, only the bad. I am not a bad person and neither is my husband, but because she doesn't have custody of her daughter's she finds it necessary to drag us through the mud on her yahoo 360 blog page. Sometimes, it bothers me, but mostly I get a good LAUGH at the disturbed recollections of her past marriage and our contributions to the demise of her children and their situation, that being living with their father and stepmother.

I've been dealing with these ungrateful skids and their pathetic excuse for a mother for years. It doesn't get better, it only idles from time to time, until the next acceleration. The only saving grace I have is the fact that WE are HAPPY! Even with all the drama BM tries to create in our home, we are HAPPY and a FAMILY. So, BIOBIACCH....get on your broom and fly back to your UNHAPPY life in Chicago!


Colorado Girl's picture

Don't go to her yahoo360 blog page. All it will do is piss you off and if you know what she's saying is not true, who cares? My BM belittles DH every chance she gets and it's all to make herself look better to soothe her guilty conscience because she knows the she's lacking in the good parent department. The second my DH stopped caring about her opinion, the happier he was. Who cares what she thinks? He knows he's a great dad and he proves time and time again. If you know your family is happy and that you're a good SM and he's a good dad, it shouldn't matter that she drills the skids either - they can just tell her how happy they are and how great things are going. Our BM does the same thing and the kids never have anything bad to say and when she asks about something that went on with us that she disagrees with, DH always tells her that she needs to not worry about it. Period.

chantal's picture

Good advice. But, you have to take into account that BM finds fault in everything we do, and has the skids thinking that way also. The smallest thing, can be misinterpreted by her. I don't hug them enough, I don't ask them how their day was, he isn't home enough. If I try to discipline, it gets blown out of proportion to the effect that I'm a Hitler. I believe in structure and routine, and because of this I am criticized and in their minds a "bad stepmother." I try to treat them as I treat my own kids, but she believes I am abusive, and their father is a "drunk" because he occasionally drinks beer while watching football on the weekends. This is why I say she is PSYCHO!

Chocoholic's picture

Your BB must be my son's SM! They sound EXACTLY the same....
Regarding the constant picking and negativity directed toward you... ignore it... she is unhappy and on a mission to make you unhappy as well... so don't let her. Who cares what she thinks? She trashes on you because she is jealous of you and it makes her feel better about herself to believe that you are horrible.... she is truly pathetic.

chantal's picture

I sometimes wonder myself if she is just jealous of my life. I'm sure it grinds her that she doesn't have custody of her kids, but get over it already. They have a loving home, are excelling academically at school, and are great kids...why be mad about that. Be happy that your kids have two great parents and families....oops, I forgot, she is a bio-bitch.

kathleen's picture

I love this one. "It is none of my business what other people think of me".

So continue being a great step-mom and living life as you do. The bio-bitch can think what ever she wants.