CastleJJ's Blog
CS Review Update
About a month ago, we received the recommendation for our CS review. DH's support obligation went down by $125 after discovering that BM is making almost double what DH makes, plus DD was a factor and BM no longer utilizes childcare for SS10. BM had 21 days to appeal that recommendation, which would have been last week.
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SS10 Visit Over
Our long weekend visit with SS10 ended today. Overall, it was a pleasant visit, but he didn't engage much. He had his head buried in video games for most of the visit. The only time he really spoke was meal times or after we took the video games away, and even then, all he wanted to talk about was BM, GF, and/or the trips they all have planned. SS10 wasn't rude in any way, just quiet. He did play with DD while DH and I did chores or worked, which was nice to see. He does seem to like DD.
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Classic PAS Tactic
So DH completed the 8 hour roundtrip drive today to pick up SS10 for President's Weekend. It is also DH's birthday, so we went out to dinner to celebrate. Once at dinner, SS goes "oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. BM and GF told me that they are taking me to the UK next summer." DH asks "Where in the UK are you going? When are you going?" SS responds, "I'm not sure where, just everywhere, and we don't know when yet, just sometime next summer." DH asks, "When did you find this out?" SS responds, "On Wednesday." Of course you did.
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I Swear, BM is an Idiot
So a few weeks ago, DH messaged BM asking if we could pick SS up for President's Weekend visitation at noon instead of 3pm on Friday and then change BM's pickup time to noon instead of 3pm on Monday, because we were going to FIL's house for the weekend and the later pick up time would make the extra distance harder. BM agreed to the change in time also informing DH that she would be in FIL's town (also BM's parent's town) that Monday and pulling SS out of school to stay there until Thursday.
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So today is DD's first birthday. DH and I have no idea where the time went. We had plans today to take her to Build-A-Bear before heading to visit family. DH checks his email and receives his daily "USPS informed delivery" email which outlines all the mail that will be delivered to us each day. Today's showed the dreaded CS order that we have been waiting 3 months for. All I could think was "Of all the days to arrive, it had to be on DD's birthday."
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Still Annoying
We are scheduled to have SS for President's Day weekend in February. Our CO enforces that DH pick SS up in BM's state at 3pm on Friday and BM will pick up SS from us at 3pm on Monday. The 3pm pick up allows SS to attend school on Friday.
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SS10 Went Home & Other Updates
BM picked up SS10 yesterday. He will not come back until late February unless BM tries to negotiate that time for sport obligations.
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Blow Up w/ DH
DH took this week off to spend time with SS and DD. I did not take time off (I work 100% remote), but I have today off for New Years. DH informed me on WEDNESDAY that he works a half day today, from the office an hour away not remote. It is kind of a big item to fail to communicate, especially when no plans were made for SS.
After SS' toxic phone call with BM last night, I told DH that I was not comfortable being home alone with him. DH's response was "I told SS he needs to be on his best behavior and he is pretty self sufficient - he can get his own breakfast and stuff."
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Phone Calls
I am at a loss for how to handle phone calls with SS anymore. Since we are long distance, we FaceTime SS at BM's twice per week, usually on Thursdays and Sundays. They aren't scheduled calls - DH texts BM on those days and asked for good time usually in the evening. At that time he FaceTimes SS on BM's phone. Usually, SS is in the kitchen or living room, no more than 5 feet from BM at any given time. It is evident BM (and GF) are listening to every single call.
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SS10 Arrives Today
DH is on his way to pick up SS10 as I type this. He is not looking forward to the 8 hour roundtrip drive. SS is visiting for his second half of Christmas break so he will be here for a week.
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