On The Topic of Narcissistic BMs...
We talked to SS11 tonight. According to SS, BM left to visit her parents in our state last Wednesday and did not come home until this afternoon. BM told SS that he was not allowed to come with her and that he had to stay with GF. This means that SS spent 5 whole days (plus Mother's Day) with BM's GF. This is the second year in a row that BM has given up SS on Mother's Day. And of course, you know since BM drove right by our house to visit her parents, we would have gladly taken SS for that time -- BUT heaven forbid because it's Mother's Day and BM's time. And as we all know, BM feels that DH is not entitled to even a minute of extra visitation. So instead, SS spent the weekend with his "Other Mother," who he spends all of his time with because BM refuses to be a parent and refuses to give DH more than 6 weeks visitation per year. So at this rate, SS isn't being raised by either biological parent. GF emailed DH twice in the last two weeks, letting him know that she took SS to both his annual physical and his vision exam and provided medical updates for both. GF is also the only person who has RSVPed as "attending" for all of SS' sports practices and engaged in the team group chat, while BM has remained silent and disengaged. Again, because BM can't be bothered to be a parent. At this point, GF is doing 100% of the parenting while BM focuses on her career and her hobbies.
I feel so bad for SS. GF is a good role model and really steps up to be a parent to him. I appreciate all that she does for him and actually get along with her. It's just unfortunate that BM is a failure as a parent and DH's involvement has been minimized by both BM and the courts, so this kid is being raised by a third party. I hate these BMs that wish to be childless but refuse to give custody to the other parent because they refuse to give up control or the paycheck from CS. SS would do so much better with DH and I, but at this point, I don't want him because I know he is already too programmed by BM, making him insufferable at times.
SS11 comes up in two weeks for a two week visit. We are all going to Florida. I'm looking forward to what I hope will be a nice family vacation.
- CastleJJ's blog
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Poor GF. She has no legal
Poor GF. She has no legal rights to that child. A personality disordered person like your BM would easily rip SS away from GF and GF would never see him again after devoting years of her life to raising him.
I think GF knows that and is
I think GF knows that and is fearful of that. And if I know BM, which I like to think I do to a point, I think BM has threatened that to keep GF in line. I'm sure BM has used it as a threat in arguments since BM likes to fight dirty. BM likes to exploit her partner's greatest fears to maintain control and get what she wants. BM abused DH that way for years, both inside and outside their relationship, threatening to withhold SS or alienate him against DH if DH didn't comply.
But, I also think GF is a little delusional in their situation and believes she has protections. At one point, during an argument with DH, BM tipped her hand that BM's will grants GF sole custody in the event of BM's death. That's not legal and attorneys have concluded the same - DH would be granted custody if BM died. GF seems to think that she has legal standing in BM and DH's custody arrangement, despite everything she has been told by the courts and legal counsel. It would suck for GF to have to find out the hard way. DH has told me he has considered giving GF the same visitation arrangement BM gave DH (6 weeks a year) if BM died, since GF has had such a major impact on SS's life and SS would be devastated to lose her altogether. Whether we would actually do that would depend on the circumstances. But, heaven forbid GF has a child with BM someday and they get divorced. Lord knows BM would fight just as dirty with GF as she did with DH to maintain full custody and max CS, but pawn all parenting responsibilities on either her parents or a new partner.
Remember everything that you
Remember everything that you wrote here next time you start to go down that dark hole. BM is not better than you and DH. She used the court system to abuse all of you. She's willing abandoned her responsibilities as a mother. A person capable of that should have no power over how you feel about yourself. You do the best with the cards you've been dealt.
Thank you, Survivingstephell.
Thank you, Survivingstephell. This is the first time that we have really had an "inside view" of how little BM actually does. We had a hunch that GF was doing a lot, but recently, GF's communication with DH, BM's lack of communication, and commentary from SS has cued us in more. We had no idea that GF was doing 100% or close to it.
When SS was younger, BM made it seem like she did everything for SS, while DH was absent (not by choice). We learned later that BM's parents were doing a lot of the parenting of SS, watching him 6 days per week while BM worked and was in college. We made excuses for that, saying they were just helping her juggle it all. Once BM graduated, met GF, and moved out of state and away from her parents, we figured that BM was doing everything and she abused us psychologically, reinforcing that she did everything while DH did nothing. We had no evidence to the contrary. Now that SS is older and less fun and cuddly, she really has just given up. It's almost like each year she wants less and less to do with him. We are just slowly learning how much less because now she is tipping her hand more, showing her laziness, and SS is a little more forthcoming.
Hang on... He's "not allowed
Hang on... He's "not allowed" to visit his grandparents with her? They must have been so disappointed.
Something tells me she may have been visiting someone but it wasn't her parents.
I think one of two things
I think one of two things happened here:
1. Since BM left on Wednesday last week and didn't return until yesterday afternoon, that would have meant that SS would have missed 3 days of school if he had gone with BM. BM does not make a habit of allowing SS to miss school and does not allow him to miss school to visit DH or if there is a special event on DH's side of the family (i.e. wedding, funeral, etc.) When he missed school for a few days in February to visit family and go snowboarding with a friend, BM was overly cautious when telling DH to prevent rocking the boat. BM even sent DH SS' attendance record to show that he had never missed school until that point. While we aren't interested in taking BM back to court, I think there is a still a fear there for BM, so she doesn't want to make trouble for herself.
Or 2. BM wanted a break from SS for a few days and didn't want him tagging along.
I still find it shocking that
I still find it shocking that she'd plan a trip to her parents and go when she knew her son couldn't go. Was there at least a video connection?
Such a crappy thing to do.
This reminds me of when sd’s told my husband after them
Cutting off contact with their dad for 5 yrs plus that bio mum abandoned them. They claimed bio mum wasn't well and hd some illness. Its all bullshit because she has been to specialists and hospitals and every single one claims she is healthy.
anyways during the divorce she was hell bent on wanting half of everything and cs, but would only take the daughters not her son. Well fast foreard after she pas'd those sd out, convincing them to end contact with dad, she dumped youngest sd who was maybe 10 at the time on sd who was about 19/20 to care for her in a sharehouse whilst sd was at uni. Sd repeatedly was kicked out of rental share houses because nobody wanted a minor kid there.
by law, biomum should have notified my husband immediately so he could take on full custody and remove cs immediately but nope, exwife's hatred and vengeance to my husband was so great she'd rather pocket the cs and have eldest sd care for the youngest.
back in 2018 when i dealt with too much of the sd nonsense, i often saw youngest sd lingering at her home gate and she gave off a vibe like she didn't want us to go and like she needed to tell us something about eldest sd who is biomums little henchwoman and does all her bidding for her.
they have no shame behaving this way and unfortunately it is what it is and they do get away with this crap.
And these kids are "raised"
And these kids are "raised" with major issues and psychological complexes because these narc parents cant give up control and need them.
SS is not a happy-go-lucky kid. You can tell that he doesn't just go home and play and have a normal childhood. Instead, he goes to school where he must academically preform at the highest level and then he goes to sports and the same is expected, all so BM can be recognized for how amazing SS is. Every time you talk to SS, he complains and acts like he has a full time job, because he is the one being the adult in the Mother/Son relationship. He is providing for BM's every emotional and psychological need while BM does nothing. SS is anxious and obsessive about his abilities and his image. If he isn't good enough or smart enough, he blames everyone else (just like BM does) and makes excuses, saying that he is the best, but something happened to make that not the case today.
Treat their children as trophies and meal tickets only.
I remember eldest sd telling dad that biomum
Who is uneducated and hasn't worked in over 3 decades was advising sd to continue with masters rather than get a job when the job market was already competitive and companies prioritised graduates with relevant company/corporate experience vs just a fresh university grad
you could tell hubby in his head is thinking why is my daughter taking career advice from biomum?? Even stepdad was pressuring sd to buy a pet shop of his friend at 22 yrs old and run it. Sd had no management experience and lacked the maturity and had no savings to buy a pet shop. Stepdad must have assumed rich biodad would sink in money into this business. Hubby isn't stupid.
my husband is just shaking his head listening to this. Because bio mum has somewhat elevated sd's into imaginary adult positions, my sd's believe they dictate what everyone does and are in a position of authority when they are not
When I got into my head a few
When I got into my head a few weeks ago, it was because our case is not as clear cut neglect as some of these on here. SS isn't flunking out of school or repeating multiple grades - BM spent years advocating to get him into gifted and talented programs. SS has new name brand clothes all the time. SS wants for nothing toy or extracurricular wise. BM makes sure that he has every type of appointment scheduled and attends, whether she is the one who takes him or not. Hell, BM is almost too much of a hypochondriac when it comes to SS' health. BM makes good money and does invest it toward SS. BM has provided a nice house and good opportunities for him. Overall, SS is well taken care of compared to some of the completely neglected skids on this site, even if BM isn't the one doing it.
When BM used to argue with DH about his "lack of involvement," while commenting about how well SS is cared for in her care and how obsessive she is over everything he does, we couldn't argue it because on paper, she was Super Mom. Plus, BM was so obsessed with how we took care of SS in our home - did he eat too much sugar, did he go to bed too late, did you put lotion on his dry skin, did he get a sunburn? It made us feel insane and brought out all those natural gaslighting responses: "are we the problem?", "Do we provide well enough for SS?", Etc. The daily, abusive communication from BM about these issues constantly reinforced this narrative that we were deadbeats while she was just making it all work as a single parent and trying to get us to coparent better with her. It has taken a lot of deprogramming to rewrite the narrative and I'm not fully there yet. It would be easier to deprogram if BM was broke, refused to work, struggled to provide, had a history of poor decisions, dated/married multiple times exposing SS to a slew of random people or toxic relationships, or was just a straight up idiot, but BM isn't any of those things. Even our attorney said that on paper, in all of her communications, she comes off as a well-educated, concerned Mother, who is only trying to make sure her child has the best. Her written communication is absolutely impeccable. Our attorney also said that they could only see the patterns of abuse after reading and re-reading our entire evidence file three times over because BM was so subtle and crafty in how she framed her wording to abuse DH.
She sounds like a high
She sounds like a high-functioning narcissist. Those are really hard to deal with. They often are respected in the community but dreaded at home. Like Ghislaine Maxwell's dad or some other celebrities or politicians.
I agree. Everything I have
I agree. Everything I have read about narcissists is that they are unstable to the point that they fail to meet their own obligations. They threaten but never follow through. They promise but never deliver. Eventually, their behavior is recognized. BM isn't like that, but definitely has narcissistic traits.
I think the term "high-functioning narcissist" is the perfect term.
Kids need there father as they need there mother
What BM is doing is hurting SS big time, she could of let DH have DS for a few days. I just can't see how that hurts her. Just not a nice person. GF is going to get the big screw in the end.
You see things clearly and
You see things clearly and practically, Castle. It's sad to see another child being damaged under the auspices of the US Family Court system, but you recognize your DH's lack of power in the scenario. Fathers are third class citizens here. I'm glad your DH has you and bio daughter.
Same here. BM always withheld
Same here. BM always withheld time with DH, unless it was time she needed coverage for and couldn't get someone else to take them. She also had a second husband (now second ex husband) who was a "stay at home dad" while they were married. He would shuttle skids everywhere. Now BM is just not around and I assume Skids (now 17) stay alone when she is gone. Before, they would go to friends for the weekend or even to MIL or BIL's house, without any notice to DH. DH would either call Skids and they would tell him they were with his mother.
Like your BM, the one thing BM in my case wanted was power / control, she did not actually want the responsiblity of parenting. I read somewhere that people who are divorced have a higher incidence of personality disorders, which I'm inclined to believe, but I don't think it based on any actual research or data collected.
SS is a pet
Satan was lazy AF, but she was still entitled to all the benefits of pet/child ownership. So she got as many pets as her apartment would allow, conned GBM into paying her landlord the pet deposits, made Killjoy and Mealticket take care of all her animals, and made DH and Mealticket pay for and take care of Killjoy, her most profitable pet. She never did motherly things for Killjoy, Killjoy was supposed to stand in the corner and sprout money, and occasionally worship Satan.
She also got to play poor beleaguered single SAH Mommy to a deadbeat ex, even though she lost custody. Think about the logistics of that for a second.