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CastleJJ's Blog

Update: Medical Bill (VENT)

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So DH emailed BM asking what the plan is for SS' OT services, since he has been receiving them for 6 months. The therapists encouraged SS' involvement in sports, stating it would improve the condition, so DH didn't know if SS would continue to receive OT or not since football has started. We havent received an update from BM on the status of his OT since February, but we keep receiving bills for continued treatment, so DH wanted to check in. 

Yet Another Medical Bill

CastleJJ's picture

We mailed BM a check for $100 for SS' ENT office visit and she informed us today that she received and cashed it. She then responds again, stating that she is sending DH two more medical bills for SS... Like what is going on?! We have paid hundreds of dollars in the past few months in out-of-pocket medical expenses and we haven't even gotten the huge bill for SS' throat scope yet. When is enough going to be enough? 

Oh This Is Too Good...

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So SS10 was picked up by BM and GF on Saturday. They left immediately from our house to go on vacation for 3 days to celebrate BM's birthday. They went to the same vacation destination we went to last month. 

For context, my Mom has a friend that runs a hotel at the destination that we went to a few weeks ago. We spent a nice weekend with her and her husband and they showed us around. SS seemed indifferent about them.

Coming to Jesus Meeting with DH

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Being a wife, full-time employee, and a mother to DD5months have finally come to a head. I am burnt out. It has been building up for weeks, but yesterday was my final straw. Yesterday, DH was on a business trip down south. He left at 6:30 am and returned around 7 pm. On his way home he texted me telling me to not worry about SS and DD, that he would take care of everything when he got home. Well, he gets home and takes a shower, fiddle farts around, and then made himself a sandwich. By the time he was said and done, DD was in bed and SS was on his way to bed.

Update: Final Days of SS10 Visit

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Well, I spoke too soon about the remainder of the visit going well. Last night, SS10 talked to BM and GF for over 45 minutes on the phone. SS excitedly showed BM the scrapbook of all of the photos of SS and DD that he is putting together. He went page by page for 5 minutes, all excited about his hard work. Well, BM did not give a favorable reaction, so of course, SS then had to tell BM the "bad" to keep her happy.

Final Days of SS10 Visit

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SS10 returns back to BM's in 4 days. While I am ready for him to go home, his tune has changed now that he realizes he is going back. He has been having a lot of gastrointestinal issues in these past few days. When we ask him about it, he says it's nerves, but doesn't elaborate. This has happened before on previous visits when he knows he has to return to BMs. I wonder if he is anxious about the interrogation I am sure he will receive, but he refuses to open up about it so we don't push. 

Steplife: Drafting Wills

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DH and I are in the process of drafting a will which will establish division of assets and custody of DD in the event of our deaths. We made it clear to our attorney that we do not want to leave anything to SS10 in the event of our joint passing. If we decide to leave SS something, if he doesn't PAS out and maintains a decent relationship with us, it will be handled informally through assets left to my FIL and will only gifted once SS reaches adulthood. My FIL agreed to handle any transaction gifted to SS if that is our wishes.

Wedding Planning in Full Swing

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So last night, we were sitting on the couch and SS10 asks DH "how much was your wedding ring?" Now, since having DD, my ring doesnt really fit anymore and needs to be resized and DH lost his band this winter and we have yet to replace it, so its not like SS saw our rings on and asked. DH, a little surprised by the question, asked why?

SS10 Arrives Today

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DH, DD, and I are at my FIL's wedding today, so my parents drove out-of-state to pick SS10 up for his last two week visit of summer. My parents said it worked out well for them because they have long time friends in the same city that they have been wanting to visit. 
