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They tell their mom everything

alwayscivil's picture

FSD6 asked Fdh to put suntan lotion on her and he said "you don't need it." She said, I have very fair skin and I'm starting to get freckles." I told her freckles are cute and then FDH told her that I am a nurse and that she doesn't need suntan lotion. I stayed quiet when he said this. When FSD came for the weekend she had a handheld mirror and a sunblock stick for her face and tells us that mommy taught her how to put on suntan lotion so that she doesn't have to rely on me or FDH. She also said that she told her mom that I put suntan lotion on my bs6 and she said that her mom said that I believe "not my kid, not my problem.". What a bitch!


Anywho78's picture

Not taking her side at all but I see nothing wrong with sunscreen or with a kid wanting to wear it...especially if she freckles.

My SKids tan but they burn too. Usually, at the end of summer, they look like they have been bronzed. However, if they don't wear sunscreen, they burn...yes, it heals into a tan but the burn still isn't healthy for them.

Nasty refused to use sunscreen on them last year and their faces were SPLOTCHY from the burning and peeling...this was when they were spending their 4 days with her in the pool.

Jsmom's picture

You are wrong....Sunscreen should be used every day....Just put the sunscreen on her if she wants it. That is half the battle with kids....Her mom is trying to do the right thing and prevent wrinkles and freckles for her when she is older. Good for her...

FYI my 1st DH died from skin cancer at 38, if his mom had used sunscreen at this age, he might not have spent years battling melanoma.

Ommy's picture

I agree. My SO has a nice tan, year round I hate him, His kids have the same skin tone. I am white as can be, I fry in the sun then am left with freckles everywhere. I have always warn SPF 50. A few weeks ago we went camping, it was about 85 out and the sun was out. I tried to get SO to put sun screen on him and the girls he refused saying it wasnt needed. All three of them got sun burnt.

overworkedmom's picture

I would have been pissed if someone didn't put sunscreen on my kids. I lit in to the incubator for not putting it on FSS6 as well when he came home with sunburn. Why wouldn't you do that? Am I missing something here, do you want to have a sun burned kid?

alwayscivil's picture

It is up to Fdh to put sunscreen on her. I'm pissed that her mOm told her "not my kid, not my problem." She is setting me up to be the evil SM.

hereiam's picture

Her mom may have said that, but you are acting on it. Prove the mom wrong and put sunscreen on the kid.

Disneyfan's picture

Many SMs live by not my kid not my problem. Why is it a problem when a BM agrees with that?

Dad wasz wrong for using you as his excuse for not using the sunscreen.

Willow2010's picture

When FSD came for the weekend she had a handheld mirror and a sunblock stick for her face and tells us that mommy taught her how to put on suntan lotion so that she doesn't have to rely on me or FDH.

As I BM I would have done the same thing. I mean really? why not let the kid put on sunscreen?

Disneyfan's picture

Some things are worth fighting about.

Would you have made the same choice if dad said your child didn't need sunscreen?

knucklehead's picture

So, basically, your FDH is too damn lazy to put the sunscreen on and then blamed it on you by claiming you said something you didn't.
The problem here is 100% your FDH.
I can't believe you think BM was being a bitch. I don't get it.
I'm pretty impressed she taught SD had to put sunblock on herself since her father is clearly not going to do it.

ManagingMom's picture

As a birth mother, I have to tell you, the attitude about BMs on this site is appalling. We are the go-to scapegoats for everyfuckingthing. How many times have I read Not My Kid Not My Problem. It came back to bite you on the ass.

This BM taught her daughter how to apply sunscreen because her FATHER and her STEPMOTHER wouldn't. How can you possibly be pissed that she evinced "not my kid, not my problem" when that is precisely what you believe? If not you personally then stepmothers collectively. It's what they PREACH. It's their best ADVICE. It's how they tell the winners from the losers.

Ironically, because it's up to fdh to put sunscreen on his daughter, it's also up to him to let BM know that she shouldn't accuse you of "not my kid, not my problem" because...she's not your kid and it's not your problem!

Maybe it's the hard-assed position that's the problem.

I agree with the other posters who say FDH is setting you up to be the evil stepmother. BM is not a bitch. Fdh is a jerk.

Ommy's picture

the health and safety of a child will always beat the disengagement effort on my part. I would never want some one to say not my kid not my problem if there was something hurting/endangering/going against the health my child(when I have one)

BSgoinon's picture

Confession: Yesterday I thought DH put sunscreen on the kids, and DH thought I did it... end result NEITHER of us did it, and all 3 of them are now have SLIGHT sun burns. I felt so guilty about it last night that it was hard to fight back the tears. My oldest daughter doesn't burn, but since when does skin cancer only attack those that "burn". It is equally as bad for kids who tan, as it is for kids who burn.

The sunblock now sits on the counter next to the slider and is to be applied BEFORE the kids step foot outside. I am usually REALLY good about putting sun block on our kids ALL of them. In fact I am the mom that is out ON THE FIELD before baseball games putting sun block on EVERYONES kids. That's just me...

BSgoinon's picture

Really? Mustard?? I have never heard that one. I am going to try it.

I know crap happens. I just felt so bad because their little cheeks were all red and their arms. None of them are really "bad" burns, but I know better than that. I am an idiot sometimes. That's all there is to it. I should not have assumed he did it.