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alwayscivil's picture

In your opinion, which BM is worse for a SM to deal with - the one that is struggling financially or the one that has tons of money?


smdh's picture

Doesn't matter. The ones without money still think they're far superior and the ones with money still think they're entitled to your dh's money.

Wolfey's picture

The one that's crazy,territorial,a know it all,and still not over the father of her kids.

money or no money makes no difference.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture


herewegoagain's picture

I only have to deal with the broke So, I would say the broke one. But I can see that maybe one with money thinks that everything is a necessity and asks for more too...hmmm...

mama_althea's picture

I think it's an economy of scale...the rich one's just spend exponentially to the broke ones, so they think they're "poor". The fact is, both types are suffering from ENTITLEMENT.

BSgoinon's picture

BM has always been broke. Like beyond broke, so I don't know what it would be like to have a BM with money.

I am a BM with "money". Not wealthy but we don't hurt for money by any stretch of the imagination. But when we struggled financially (when the housing market crashed) and even when I was single, I never asked for child support. I have never asked my ex for anything. If I enroll the kids in something, I pay for it. If he does, he pays for it. But we are both more than willing to take the kids to events on our time, even if it isn't something WE signed them up for. It's about my kids, and what is best for them.

I don't think the financial status has anything to do with what a pain in the ass they are. I am sure if BM in our situation had money, she would find different ways to be an idiot. I am a BM and have been both broke, and "not broke" and have never been a pain in the ass with my ex. He has his life, I have mine.

PrincessFiona's picture

>>>I don't think the financial status has anything to do with what a pain in the ass they are.>>>

I agree. But what the money gives them is the power to legal engage in all kinds of crap. Most often the broke ones will say all kinds of things but to actually get a lawyer and file against you is a whole different thing.

BSgoinon's picture

True. BM has never had money, so I have never encountered that. And I am not like that as a BM so.... the thought never crossed my mind.

For a while BM thought that just because she is "the mom" that the court would not only agree with her and give her what she wants, but also make DH pay for her court fees. She was sorely mistaken... Wink so she doesn't try anymore.