Training Bras
On friday FDH and I were getting ready to take his three daughters to their mom's house for half the weekend. As we were getting ready to leave FSD7 says her boobs were hurting (she was pointing at her nips). I said, "Maybe we need to look into training bras for you. I don't know how early you're suppose to wear them though. I didn't start until Jr. High." That was the end of topic.
So, FDH picks them up at 7am from BM house this morning. When they got home FDH says to FSD7 and FSD6 "Show Swan Dive what your mother bought you." FSD6 comes out with a little purse and opens it and there are like 5 training bras in it. I rolled my eyes knowing that she did this because they probably mentioned it to her what I said and she was probably like, "I'm going to do it, not Swan Dive." because... she just likes to do that. I didn't really care.
Then FSD7 comes out and brings a kmart bag and I open it. It had about 5 padded bras inside it... not like training bras, but bras for probably teenagers. I was like "um, unacceptable." My FDH agreed and texted BM that that isn't cool to make a 7 year old look like she has larger breasts. FSD7 admitted that wearing the bras "hurt" as well.
She had bought them a cell phone about a year ago so they could call her when they wanted. She would text them and the oldest would read it then put it away. They never used it because it was traditional key pad and they didn't really know how to use it. BM would get mad that they didn't call her and thought we were keeping them from it. Half the time we didn't even know where it was. I'm not sure if she thinks she's going to try and be the cool mom that gets them things that are above their age range or what.
I don't even know what to think of this.
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Oh, and FSD7 says she's tired
Oh, and FSD7 says she's tired today. FDH asked if she went to bed late (which BM does frequently, because she doesn't get home until 7pm on Saturdays. So she keeps them up to send time with them then wakes them up at 630 or 7 to go home with us.) She said yes they went to bed late because BM wanted to take them to KMART to get the bras.
Yeah, I didn't know why
Yeah, I didn't know why either. I was a late bloomer too, and I also ended up with a large chest. All my friends wore them earlier but I was going to google it. She said some kid at school hit her in the chest. So thats why I dropped the topic. But I was going to google it anyway. Which I did. It said some kids start in 3rd grade with sports bra type. But they dont generally need them. Their mom is flat chested so I kinda doubted that she was *blooming* yet.
Fantasy Bra Fantasy Bra
Fantasy Bra
Fantasy Bra are combination of different types such as Women's Bras,Sports Bras,Women's Shirts & Blouses And Adult Costumes. The extraordinary collectionof brands offered by Fantasy Bra is diversified,varied, and fascinating.
Our 100% cotton Fabricis so soft and versatile. Our Bra was uniquely designed to give you the perfect lift for your cup size! Each cup size is designed with its own unique lift feature to custom fit your bra size
I attended a kiddie birthday
I attended a kiddie birthday party for one of SD8's classmates. I was appalled at how many 8 year olds were wearing bras.
My niece just turned 12 & is VERY small for her age. I wanted to get her "growing up" stuff so I picked up a good sized starter make-up kit with instructions on how to do "classy vs trashy". The running joke with this nieces is that each year, I get her a pair of panties too (long history for this is what it is)...well, since she's 12, I checked with my brother first (he said okay) & picked up a training bra/panty set from walmart. When looking at what they had, there were padded under-wires in the size of...wait for it...6X!
I spoke to SD8 about the fact that a lot of her friends are wearing bras now & she said she'd love to but that she doesn't need them yet...funny thing is, when I asked what she thought she needed, she said "YOU KNOW" & held her arms out full length while cupping her hands. She proceeded to do the juggling motion with her hands...I had a hard time not busting a gut! I told her that a doctor would give her something THAT size but that God would give her more of (& I brought her hands in to about the size of a C).
Who knows...maybe Nasty will actually be a mom (with crap timing) & get some for SD during her week long visit this summer.
Fun fun!
Please tell me she got your SD's the simple yet more comfortable ones? Some kids are growing up WAY too fast...the sad part is, it isn't even their doing.
Please don't flame me but as
Please don't flame me but as a biomom I would want to rip someone's head off if they took my DD shopping for her first bra training or otherwise. I'm her mother not some other woman. I know that's selfish but there is a lot of things I am looking forward to doing with my daughter and she is my daughter not someone else's. I know some Bm's just don't care as long as it isn't the SM but in my case its not that. There are some things that are sacred for mothers and their children. I was upset when my mom couldn't wait for me to come home from the store to feed my daughter her first bite of solid food.
I would honestly LOVE it if
I would honestly LOVE it if the BM's that I deal with felt like you do! My mother was WAY over excited about a couple of things with me...
1. My first period (The woman was NUTS! Zipping up & down the isle squeaking "pick whatever you want sweetie, I don't know what you want to use" while doing a little hop-skip thing...SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO embarrassing!)
2. My first bra (My parents were hippies & we were home-schooled...I didn't get my first bra until I was a size B...she AGAIN hop-skipped all through THAT section while squeaking about how PRETTY everything was)
From my own experiences, I would assume that mothers want/need to do these things with their daughters...BM Redneck however, refused to buy SD (then 11) ANYTHING...said she was too small but she "nipped out" A LOT. SO begged me to take her shopping for a bathing suit & training bras so that she wasn't so embarrassed. I figured Redneck would be angry...she said "At least SO spent his money & I didn't have to!"...just WOW! Her period was the same freaking thing...I hate that woman!
SD8 sees her mom once a I will probably be the one doing the "mom" stuff with her. Nasty will more than likely get mad about it...but...that's what happens when you NEVER see your own kids.
That made me laugh. I hope I
That made me laugh. I hope I can handle it a little more lowkey than your mom. I'm sure my daughter hopes so to even though she is three. this day, she brings this day, she brings up how exciting (insert squeak) THAT was...I've stopped trying to make her understand how OTT she actually was & let her relish her own special way of remembering said events. She never understood why what she did was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO mortifying...and that's okay. I suppose I've realized, through the years how special that time SHOULD be for the mother...having her daughter reach "womanhood" & the such. I survived & she enjoyed my maturation which to me, was a reason to be perpetually embarrassed..
I love my mom...she's absolutely ADORABLE! *Squeak, hop-skip*
I'm sure you'll do fine...just A. keep your squeaking to a MINIMUM & B. DO NOT's not nearly as exciting for the kid as it is for you.
Just sayin
My mother had a hysterectomy about the time I got my first period. Once I comprehended that I was going to have to do that for another 40 years, I asked if I could have a hysterectomy too.
True story
LOL My mom had a hysterectomy
LOL My mom had a hysterectomy in her late twenties (when I was 9) due to health the time I was 12, she figured that EVERYTHING had changed (you know, in 3 years) I said...the woman was...yeah.
I was MAD about "womanhood" & MAD about everything...she may have been squeaking so much in an effort to excite me. The hop-skip...she still does this so...I don't even know.
I am her eldest daughter (she has 3) & for her, it was exciting...for me...not so much
My sisters experienced much less painfully embarrassing "womanhood" introductions with her than I did...I can laugh about it it now & my sisters actually feel slighted. Guess ya can't please everyone.
She's an odd-ball that mother of mine
The kids live with me pretty
The kids live with me pretty much 6 to 7 days a week. I didn't care that their mom got them training bras but her 7 year old doesn't need a padded cupped underwire bra. She even said it hurt to wear it. Honestly, I would LOVE biomom to spend more of her money on her kids. She told her 6 year old last week to bring her allowance to school next week so she could buy an ice cream at the park because she couldn't pay for it. The kids are in my care a large portion of the time. She see's them about 5 hours a week. On her weekends, she leaves them at her parents for 24 hours and then sees them awake for about 3 hours... 3 hours past their bed time after she gets home.
I suggested to SD7 about getting bras because she said her boobs hurt. I didn't mean right then and their. SD6 told me that her mom doesn't want them to do anything with me, unfortunately, she now makes them promises and doesn't fulfill them. *(We told them at Christmas we wanted to go see the nutcracker. Mom told FDH that she didn't want him to take them if I was going with and she would take them. She never took them. This is a regular occurrence.)
If she was around and actually got them on her days, I'd leave it up to her to do all those types of things with them. Unfortunately, she sees them rarely, and it is left to me and FDH to do those things with them.
That is so sad. It took over
That is so sad. It took over ten years for me to get pregnant with my daughter and I couldn't imagine not having her or not being with her. That's why my SS's BM is so odd to me. She went off birth control and forgot to tell my FDH which was just dating her at the time. She got pregnant and then totally lost interest. She smoked and who knows what else during her pregnancy. Then she started dumping him on FDH's parents from three weeks on. She didn't even get him on her days off. What is wrong with these women? Your body even has a hormone to make you bond with the baby.
I'm sorry for your
I'm sorry for your SD's...that's gotta suck!
Can you maybe pick up the REAL training bras for SD7 so that she isn't in pain when wearing the stinking contraption? She should be enjoying the pain free female life while it lasts
One of my sisters matured quite early & mom quietly (HUH?) got her fitted tank tops instead of training bras...they seemed to work for her, they were comfy, it did it's job & there was no embarrassment for her.
Yeah, that's kind of the
Yeah, that's kind of the thing. I think she's too young for training bras. I threw it out there initially before contemplating how old I was and most of my friends were before bras. That was my first thought when she said her boobs hurt. But then she later said some kid smacked her in the boobs and I was like 'yeah that could do it too.' BM got her 30A. SD7 is one of the smallest kids in her class. I think I started out with under cami's or something. I wouldn't mind getting her that. She's not really "blossoming" so to speak right now, I think I just responded to what she said a little short of thought. The thing that trips me out is that their mother just kind of caught wind of what I said and bought them training bras... instead of being a mother and thinking, "she's probably too young." Then again, BM does a lot of stupid things. I don't know why I keep expecting her to think anything through.