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Thankful to have my home back - for now

Elea's picture

I just want to share a moment of relief that both SD's are finally gone. At least for now. I don't know how long this good fortune will last but I will take it.

(After T-giving BM also left our area to go back to the remote, out-of-state, dark and rainy hole she moved to a couple of years ago.)

There are rumblings that YSD26 may be moving to a city within driving distance of us for an internship. For the past couple of years she has been unable to find her "career job" after graduating from college.

She gets all pissy when adults inevitably ask the question, "So, what are you doing now?" Lol

DH told me she was whining to him about it the last time he spent time with her. (He feels sorry for her, I don't.) She was whining about it when I saw her last summer and last Christmas as well. It's no one's problem that she's so insecure that she gets offended by a very common and expected question. She's immature and childish which is probably why no one wants to hire her.

On the one hand, I REALLY don't want YSD living close enough to us for DH to be at her beck and call to rescue her from whatever self-created problems she makes for herself. And you know these types do nothing but screw up and then expect Daddeeee to rescue them. On the other hand, I do think an internship is probably the best thing for her right now as far as working towards finding a good job that will help her be financially self-sufficient and hopefully fewer unexpected extended stays at our house once she can afford to pay her own rent.

In other news, my oldest Bio son24 just found HIS 1st real job. (in science) He rented his own nice, big apartment and is fully launching on his own. I am so excited for him and so proud! He has lots of great friends in the area. I see good things ahead for him.


Elea's picture

Thanks Rags,

I am hoping there is never a need to make an ultimatum. If SD lives closer she won't be moving in but she would be calling DH to go spend "one on one" time with her 26 year old a**. 
They have gone years spending very little time here until this year. Both are college graduates and they must have realized that their withholding tactics aren't working to control or destroy our relationship so they are trying new tactics. I expect they will get bored with DH and easily frustrated that we are still living our lives as usual. I expect they will move on to new horizons and find other relationships that are easier to control. They rule the roost at BM's. She thinks they are "so smart." Of course she has also started to mooch off of them for rent money. Lol 

AlmostGone834's picture

The feeling when they leave is the best! It's like a huge weight is lifted. The uncomfortable fog, the anxiety, the frustration, is all lifted from the household. I'm glad they've been sent back to the hell from which they came. 

And yes they hate the hard questions... what are you doing?... how is school going? ... have you found a job yet? DH avoids asking them because I believe he truly doesn't want the answer and that suits LI just fine. They both love living in their own fantasy land. 

Harry's picture

How is SD going to live with a job that doesn't pay $.  Who's going to support her ?   NO is a full sentence,, SD will never move in with you.  

Elea's picture

Good question. She has to actually be accepted into the internship for that to become a problem. I try not to worry too much about things that haven't happened yet.
DH said she would be getting a server job to pay her own way. She is known for quitting her jobs within a couple of weeks.
I hope she isn't offered the opportunity and has to find a different city to live in. 
We live within driving distance but too far for it to be a daily commute. There is no way she would be able to live here. She would be able to call dadddeeeee to come rescue her tho. 

CLove's picture

Well thats good news, peace is underrated. Havent heard from either skid for my part and its been super peaceful.
