'Tis a reason to celebrate this season
We had such a fun Christmas. DH got me the CREAMi ice cream maker that he saw on TV Lol. It is a very uncharacteristic gift from DH but he thought I would have fun with it and he is right. DH was super cute and he froze me a premade mix so that I could try out the CREAMi right away. I have since made two types of ice cream and both turned out to be good. It will be really fun to use in the summer. I am going to try some healthier recipes next like frozen greek yogurt, fruit sorbet, and protein ice cream.
In even better news, DH mentioned in passing that he has not heard from YSD26 about getting accepted into the internship that she was hoping for in our area. That means SD will NOT be moving back to our state. The potential intership was relatively close from where we live, close enough to drive back and forth from here to there and visa versa. You all may recall I was dreading having to deal with YSD calling DH to come rescue her from whatever self-created problems she will inevitably get herself into. She is the type to think a lack of planning on her part constitutes an emergency on everyone else's part.
The bad news is that DH thinks she is still actively seeking to come live closer to where we are. She is unhappy living with selfish BM. Too bad because at one time YSD sought out BM's state as her top choice. BM actually followed SD there.
At least I don't have to worry about her being closer right now. She would have started the internship shortly after the New Year. We really need a break from step-drama. Christmas was so much better with just DH and my BK's.
- Elea's blog
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At 26 yo. She
Can not move into your home. Two unrelated woman can't live together. The house isn't big enough. Make that perfect clear to DH. His idear of a big happy family isn't going to happen. He can live with his DD at Motel 6.
I'm not worried about her
I'm not worried about her moving in with us. That is a NO from me but I am worried that if she lives in our area that DH will be at her beck and call to go spend what she, OSD and BM call "one on one time," "alone time," or "quality time" with just DH.
This is all code for is SD's want power and control over DH. They want him to drop everything to come entertain and provide enrichment activities as if they are 12 year olds in an after school program.
They also want to punish me by shunning me. Now that they realize they can't shun me because I would rather do just about anything other than spend time with them they are getting frustrated and trying to come up with new tactics to be passive aggressive towards me.
It really pisses them off when I continue to be happy and I continue to have no jealously of their pathetic lives. They are such petty, jealous types and are angry that I am content with my life and they can't influence my happiness.
"She is the type to think a
"She is the type to think a lack of planning on her part constitutes an emergency on everyone else's part" you might have met SD30...just another run of the mill annoying ass skid mark. SD is notorious for that exact mindset and will leech on anyone who indulges that shit. I'd be actually proud of myself knowing that I am still on her shit list....the naughty list if you will.hehe. I hope I got a permanent spot on there, since this means..that just maybe..God willing, that she wont ask for one single thing from me....especially gearing up to worm her way into my home again. She is good for that.
I am praying and crossing my fingers for your benefit , that YSD doenst even think about moving into your home and taking over. Nor DH has any thought in his head to consider that. If so, he better forget about it real fast. Been there, done that.
Harry is on target...two unrelated females can not live together for too long. That much was clear to me back with I had female roommates, to having to have SD live with us for a time or so, then even with MIL when she used to live out of state and have these longgggg holiday visits. In the end, it gets really old, really fast to me and it just doesnt work.
At some point you have to be
At some point you have to be an adult and solve your own problems. I can't imagine burdening my parents with my problems, but that's probably because I'm not selfish and I love them and I don't want to stress them out. How will she ever survive should something happen to her father? Needing rescuing? At 26? Good Lord. When did we decide as a society that we weren't going to require children to ever become adults?
When you figure that out, let
When you figure that out, let me know , Trying to wrap my head around all of that and It is just ridiculous. I feel like these skids are banking on being viewed and coddled like children for as long as they can to I for one, also wouldnt bother my parents, let alone elderly grandparents with every little inconvienience or expect assistance ( mainly financial) unless it was a dire emergency. or if help was offered by them. These skids have no shame about taking advantage and why should they..its like they are not used to anyone telling them the word NO or set them straight , like its taboo. Its no wonder....
Honestly, I am dreading the day when MIL84 leave this earth and if DH should pass before me...worrying that once her main supplies arent around, then it will all fall to me by default. Thats because I shudder to think what SD is ever going to do when that day inevitably arrives, unless she manages to reign in and con some other fools to take care of her problems for her. But even so, there is no guarauntee, which these skids might not want to grasp, that anyone for whatever reason will inevitably and definitely not always be around to be her saviors and champions. I Honestly dont care who she will try to mooch off anymore, just as long as she doesnt come to me with her hand out.
The failed family dynamic
has been to allow YSD to act like a toddler, refuse to get ready to go and make everyone late, throw tantrums, slam doors, and physically assault people with no consequences. At one point or another she hit BM, OSD, and even DH when DH went on a camping trip with just her. (BM hits too but that's another story)
They all coddle YSD. DH says she's just developmentally delayed. She's may be mildly DD but nothing that can't be overcome with proper parenting. She's smart enough to graduate from college. She is smart enough to be extremely conniving and manipulative.
What she really is is a spoiled bratzilla that has never been told "no" before. She has never experienced the natural consequences of her behavior. For example, when she refuses to get ready and leave on time instead of leaving her and allowing her to deal with the natural consequence of being late, they plead with her, bicker with her and get into the mud and roll around like pigs with her. This has been the dynamic since she was a child. It's so stupid.
I seem to be the first person in her life to set boundaries. I have no time for her silly, childish behavior. Of course I am the big, bad wolf in SD's eyes and sometimes DH has the wool so tightly wrapped around his eyes that it's easier to blame me than look at the piss poor failed parenting that he and BM had with SDiablas.