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Ding Dong the Diablas 29&27 are Gone

Elea's picture

Praise be sweet mother of god, the Sdiablas have offically left the country. They hung around our home on and off over the Summer and Fall "like a fart that lingers." Since they are both transcient I was afraid they'd be stinking, I mean staying, over the Winter and Spring as well. It is a big relief that they are far, far away for at least a little while.

Still, leaving the country has not stopped the passive aggressive BS. They are already asking JUST DH to come visit them. DH asked if I'd like to go see them and I said NO. He claims he will talk to them about why we aren't coming to visit them but he's also complaining "What will people think."

DH is worried SK's will badmouth us to family after he sets a boundary that he doesn't want to go visit them because they are freezing out his wife. He is right. They will badmouth us. Why is the focus not on putting the kabosh to badmouthing rather than what people will think? This is where DH and I differ. I do not care what anyone thinks.

When OSD was 16, DH begged her to come to his family's Thanksgiving Dinner with us, she said, "I'm not going if SHE is going" and she stomped off. She refused to come in order to punish DH. Fast forward, we're all sitting down to a lovely Thanksgiving Dinner together with DH's family. OSD16 calls SIL cell phone during Thanksgiving Dinner. SIL answers her phone and puts OSD on speaker for everyone to hear. OSD starts crying and says, "I wish I had been included in Thanksgiving. I was left out." Eventually the awkward call ended.

Did DH immediately correct the record? No. Did anyone show any understanding of SD implication that now that Elea is in DH's life that she is being forgotten? No. It was so uncomfortable and frustrating. I did tell his family that we had 100% invited SD but that she refused. Nobody seemed to care about SD's deception. They only consoled DH that it must be so hard for him.

Although SD's have moved, they are constantly sending DH texts and photos. More than usual. The baiting continues. I am not getting involved but I see what is happening.

DH told me that YSD27 had her junky scooter shipped 3000 miles so that she can use it in her new country of residence. This is the same YSD that always claims to be broke. I said, "Why didn't she just rent a scooter once she got there or buy a new one? It probably would be cheaper than shipping it." Dh had no answer. This woman-child is so stupid.

I reminded DH of the time BM paid movers to come pick up a junked out car from our driveway. The car was a relic from before the divorce. I was just happy for the eyesore to be gone so it was fine with me for BM to take it but it literally had no engine. BM isn't a mechanic or anything. DH sent her photos of how it had deteriorated over the years yet she still made conscience decision to pay a lot of money to have it trailered and hauled to her house where she stored this piece of trash car in her garage. Like Mother like daughter? BM has since moved out of state. I am certain that car ended up in the dump. She just flushed money down the toliet. So strange!

Anyway ... DH is on edge about his darling diablas big move. He keeps telliing me this tidbit or that tidbit about what they are up to. He is talking about SD's more than he usually does. Yesterday he made a comparison between OSD and a very succesful Hollywood star. I was like "huh?" at which point he clarified that OSD is actually nothig like said star. His delusional fantasy thinking and fixation is giving me anxiety.

What I predict is going to happen is that OSD29 will get fed up with YSD. Babysitting YSD27 is a thankless and impossible job. YSD is going to go into culture shock and have a complete meltdown. She has no self-control or ability to navigate real-life challenges. She acts out and is impulsive. At this point OSD will call DH crying that she needs him to come control YSD.

In my crystal ball I cannot foresee what will happen next but I sure hope DH tells Diablas to figure it out on your own and get your sh*t together! You're nearly 30 year old women. If YSD is such a baby that she can't handle life then she can move back with her insane BM who taught her to be this way.



JRI's picture

I wish SD63 would move 3,000 miles away.  I'm jealous.  Lol.

TrueNorth77's picture

SS18 moved across the country for college and I thought I was living the dream, and then in a cruel twist of fate he is planning on moving back because he is dating a Jr. in High school. WHYYYYYY.....Why do we get this sweet taste of freedom, only for it to be ripped away by a scared skid running back home? Yes he will be living on campus still, but most likely a short "daddy I need you to work on my car or do something for me", and coming home for wknds sometimes distance away. 

Hoping for no such tease of freedom for Elea. 

CLove's picture

But...what are the probabilities?

From past experience, hes preferring to live in a fantasy world that doesnt make sense, and at best, he is always worried more about what people will think...

The diablas going to diabla...

Winterglow's picture

I am stunned, gobsmacked even  - how hard would it have been for him to clearly say that she WAS invited but CHOSE not to attend? What is wrong with him?

Elea's picture

It would be great if he tells them that I WAS invited but CHOSE not to come, and maybe he will but what I would like is for him to tell them that HE doesn't want to come without his wife.  Why should it be all on me?

CLove's picture

Because its easier and makes him look better (in an upside down world) to throw you under the Bus Elea at every opportunity.

TrueNorth77's picture

They have...moved? Out of the country? Is this for real? Also, shipping ANYTHING to another country is astronomical. A letter is $40+. A package is hundreds. A SCOOTER?? You can purchase a scooter for less than the cost to ship! I have actually looked at purchasing one in another country (used) and they are very affordable, although of course I don't know where the Diabla's are diabla'ing. This is quite mind-blowing. I hope they stay gone. Long gone, far away. On the one hand DH should absolutely show a united front- no visit without Elea invited also. On the other hand, perhaps DH should go visit them, by himself of course, so they don't get too homesick and have any inkling of moving back. A big move is always easier with visitors. 

I can't wait to see how this pans out. I hope your freedom is real and lasting, unlike the tease I have been given. 

la_dulce_vida's picture

A letter is $40+????

I send Christmas cards from the US to the UK all the time for only $1.65.

Rags's picture

Probably over night or next day air.  USPS and international Snail Mail letters are still reasonable but like all snail mail, it gets there when it gets there.

TrueNorth77's picture

Not overnight, but I did send them with tracking and delivery within a week. Still ungodly expensive. 

TrueNorth77's picture

To be fair, when thinking about this the mail I have sent has been sent with a tracking # as they were documents that needed to arrive sooner than 2 months from now. It was astronomical to attempt to get anything there other than snail mail. I am happy to know that a Christmas card or something of that sort can be sent at a reasonable rate! We have a vacation home overseas and I have hesitated to send anything even snail mail as I was afraid it would cost me half of my salary. Smile Now packages....those are insane to mail. 

Elea's picture

Yep, incredibly stupid to ship a junky scooter halfway across the world especially when the area they moved to is known for having scooter shops all over the place where one can easily rent or buy one. I am sure it cost just as much, or likely more, to ship it than it would to buy another one. And of course she will have to pay to ship it back to the US after their trip is over. Oh the stupidity.

Little Type Amy's picture

Wishing that this move out of the country remains permanent. Sending good vibes. I am a little envious too that SD30 hasnt moved any farther than the nearest city to us. I have to accept that it will probably never happen. 

Harry's picture

DH must put his foot down. And stop playing there games. Yes it's Games.  He divorced BM kids are adults. He has no link or responsibility to BM.  She can eat $hit and hollow at the moon.  You invited SD. she rarer cause drama then attend thanksgiving, there's something wrong with her.  
'You can not deal with '''crazy''.  You have to tell SD she's family and is invited to all dinners. and she can do with that what she wants 
'Good luck.  

Elea's picture

The games continue.

DH keeps telling me triggering things about SDiablas or BM.

Such as he hopes that we stop getting younger Diabla's parking tickets sent to our house now that she is out of the country. I keep replying with neutral responses ...  "hum," "that's too bad," "Is that so?" and other non-committal and unemotional replies even though I am thinking in my head, "What the actual F?" I think he will come to his senses sooner if I don't carry any of the burden for him. Besides, none of it is my problem.




Rumplestiltskin's picture

Congrats on the move! Now don't let them come back for any more visits that don't have an end date of a week or less from when they arrived! These almost 30-year-old babies are old enough. 

MorningMia's picture

Congratulations on their departure. Try not to overburden yourself waiting for the other shoe to drop (I know, I know). People waste time worrying about "what people will think" (your DH). . . so worried about not looking like the hero when they're all probably badmouthing him, anyway. Useless. 

Rags's picture


Elea, time to plan a 5* trip for you and DH to visit the Diablas overseas country. Of course you and DH will stay in top tier accommodations, eat at gourmet restaurants, and do 5* tours the whole time while the baby Ds wallow in their hostel and share the junk scooter. 

Only be in their city for two days after an amazing week+ around the country, then leave two days after arriving in their city and continue your ritzy insanely expensive trip to incredible envy inducing places after your quick stop in their city. All while sending daily updates to the Ds from DH's phone with happy radiant duck lip selfies of the two of you together in front of amazing sites that the D's won't ever see.  Of course send them selfies from the Lois Vuiton boutique, Chanel, etc.... 

Hey, they have made a life out of evil manipulation. You might as well adopt their tactics as your own, perfect them, and destroy then with their own game and rules, while you and DH live your best lives together and make it an envy inducing learning event for the Ds.

If they want daddy to themselves for one meal while you are in their city for 48hrs, make a reservation for them at some uninspiring American restaurant in the city. Like Hooters or McDonalds. Of course you go to the resort 5* spa and then to the D's favorite designer stores to buy their favorite brand of purse and shoes. Then, have those front and center when you give them the air kisses and contemptuous Buh-bye when the limo takes your and DH to the airport to fly to your next top notch destination on your bare their envious asses trip.



Elea's picture

SD's (29&27) spent December to past New Year's living at BM's. I believe that this is the longest period of time they have EVER spent with BM. BM never wants them during the holidays. (Understandable, they are horrid.)

Traditionally, BM announces that she needs "alone time" so she sends SD's to our house and tells them they must insist on "quality" or "one on one" or "alone" time with DH. She keeps a running tally on how much the SD's are going to cost her. She makes them pay her to stay at her house. (Why didn't DH think of that?)

I find it interesting that after 6 weeks with BM they high tailed it out of the country. Trouble in paradise? I am sure they are all insufferable to be around.

SD's were icing out DH over Christmas because they were mad that we didn't roll out the red carpet during their extended visits with us over the Summer and Fall. I stopped doing anything for them and DH doesn't do much either. They are also furious that I set boundaries with them that they are not to touch my things and I won't accept being bossed around in my own home.

Welp, yesterday a package with BM's return address arrives for DH. SDiablas sent DH Christmas gifts. Cheap trinkets from their past travels and a note that said, "We hope you come visit us." (outside the US)

It took about all the strength I had to keep my mouth shut. I let DH oooh and aaaaahh over the bit of trash they sent his way. He has the nerve to say, "They've never done something like this before." Not meaning that they've never given him his Christmas gifts a month late but rather they've never sent the type of trinkets that were sent in this package,  "gifts" from a foreign country.

More games. I know they do this type of manipulation to stir up conflict between DH and I. I am not going to take the bait, from them or from DH. No reaction. They are masters tho.