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Only a Problem With ONE step kid...

Rosem's picture

Ok, I feel better now that I've ranted about 17yo SD. My issue now is that I HATE HATE HATE my 17yo SD and after her recently trying o kick my ass I don't see that ever changing. She treats me like shit and says such horrible things to me. Plus we have to constantly worry about her getting in trouble in school, doing drugs, getting knocked up, etc.
My other two step kids are fine though. I have a great relationship with my 15yo SD and my 19yo SS is just a typical 19 yo boy. Not the most pleasant to be around, but he doesn't treat me bad and it is pretty much just a typical teen/parent relationship. Biomom has has zero interaction with them for over 10 yrs and we don't know where she lives. How can I possibly keep a good relationship with the other two, when the 17yo is there always trying to start shit and ruin my life.
EVERY vacation my DH and I have had has been ruined. When she was little she got kicked out of the camp she was staying at during our vacations. Last year she was staying with a neighbor and came home high as a kite puking all over and almost had to go to the hospital, so we had to come home for that too. Now we can't leave because we can't trust that she won't do something to our house, or invite people over that will so something to our house.
I love my other skids very much, but 17yo is just INTENT on ruining everything.

Rosem's picture

Nope. She turns 18 in October but doesn't graduate until NEXT June. She ha no job, and no one is going to want to support her sorry butt. Her friends have already told her they aren't going to financially support her.
She is so mean, and really flat-out evil. I'm afraid we'll be stuck with her for years.

oldone's picture

No you do NOT have to be stuck with her for years. At 18 you can legally boot her ass to the curb in my places.

Start looking now for the closest shelters, etc. If you want to be nice you can give her a ride to one.

If she threatens you again have her picked up by the police, press charges and have her sent to juvie.

I speak from experience.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

I agree with oldone. My husband's kids are now 19-23. They live with BM and her aunt, but 2 of them want to move in here. I am prepared for all of them to be headed to a shelter in the future, because that is where they will wind up, unless something changes dramatically. They won't work, and neither will BM. The aunt who is working 50 hours a week to support them will not be able to work much longer, so they will have nowhere to go. Another family member has pleaded with BM to do something, yet none of them are concerned. If they show up here, they will be given directions to the local shelters. They cannot be trusted, treat me and DH horribly, and we do not have the space for them.

If your SD does not change, then you have every right to throw her out at 18. If your DH won't, then I would make it as uncomfortable as possible for her in your house. Your other skids do not need to be affected, but they will have to understand you won't tolerate SD's nastiness.