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SD20 invited mother over at 10pm

What_did_i_just_sign_for's picture

Honestly, I thought her petty ass (SD20) would've been pulling this shit a long time ago.

Last night, a work/school night for SSnearly18, SD20 was on the patio drinking with her BFF.

I didn't want to go out there with them to smoke a cigarette so I head for the front door, which I NEVER do... As I'm opening the door I notice headlights on the lawn.

I open it all the way and lo and behold the ex is traipsing her way to the door. I turn and announce "oh look X is here". Then I go out and be cordial and pretend this shit is not COMPLETELY inappropriate... She tells me that her daughter invited her over.


So she comes in the house and babbles about herself for a bit and I go outside.

She eventually goes out back to hang with the 20 year olds because she still thinks she's SO COOL even though she's pushing 50.

When I go back inside my BF and I go in our bedroom. 

BF tells me how annoyed he is and how she mentioned she's gonna be single by the end of the week (from her FIANCE) and how she really likes me and if i wasn't taken....

Bitch please.  Dream on.


I HATE how SD20 acts like this is HER shit and X still feels SO comfortable here even though she walked away from it all to be a tramp.

We've spent the last month or so preparing to put the house on the market and are now ready.

So we decided to have sex while she was here.


I gotta get out of this shit hole.


shamds's picture

Love the bit we had sex while she was here. If she were in the house you should have made alot of noise so she knew what was going on. Hopefully that stops her from ever coming again...

no way in hell will skids invite bat shit crazy mum over!! My husband wouldn’t allow it and if ss (who lives with us) did behind his dads back, i would literally call the cops and say remove this stranger from my home, hubby would also be notified...

SteppedOut's picture

So, I hope your bf plans on telling his kids that was completely inappropriate and not to do it again. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

I don't understand any of this. Why did you let her in? Why didnt you just say, "I'm sorry, but it's too late for visitors. Please come another time"?

Why are you and your BF allowing a 20 yo to live with and run roughshod over you?? This situation is crying out for some basic boundaries.

Monkeysee's picture

I don’t understand why your BF let his ex into the house, whether SD said she could come or not. Why is he allowing his daughter to call the shots? I’d be too pissed to have sex with DH if he did that. SD has an issue with boundaries because your BF allows her to. He’s the real culprit here, he could have easily said ‘not happening, go home’ and stood up to his kid, but he just let it happen. Gross. 

ETA if you think a new house is going to fix the boundary issue, think again. That man needs a spine more than a new place to live.

What_did_i_just_sign_for's picture

I wish this site would notify me when people respond to my posts. I just remembered to come back and look lol

Anyway, I hear everything you guys are saying.

1) BF is definitely a push-over.

2) SD20 is 99% unlikely to move in with us when we move. So it'll be a non-issue.

3) I have to live here and don't on that hill that night just wasn't worth it now that we're so close to the end of this living arrangement.

4) BM is often talking hey Mini Me down from the ledge of complaining about shit at the house and I (temporarily) need her to keep doing that because a) I don't want a life full of drama and b) I don't want her sabotaging this sale and c) I don't want to live for the next few weeks in Hell.

But BF is well aware that none of this shit will fly in my house. It's so unlike me to allow shit like this to fly now but I'm not trying to feed into the drama here.

Sigh. I should've waited to move in until he already sold the house. I've seen her true colors here and I'm not digging her AT ALL.