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No Respect

newmom35's picture

I know you've all had this issue and this is nothing new...

Anytime I am an authority figure to SD, she gets pissed. She has learned to hide it somewhat - she says okay in a pissy way or makes a pissy face and doesn't look at me, but I'm not blind! but it's even when I ask her to do the simplest things. Could you please turn off your lights when you leave the room... stupid stuff. And I don't even do it that much. No need to make a deal out of it, because it's not to me. Apparently, that's how much she can't stand that I'm an authority figure...and that I'm her step-mom!

She must hate me. Well, the feeling is mutual.

LittlePanda's picture

My SD pulls this sulky sad stuff any time I am an authority figure..drives me nuts. She acts like some kind of victim. I can't wait until her sister, who is my bio and less than one year old, is old enough to be an authority figure to so that SD can stop pulling the evil step mom sulky crap. An example is teeth brushing..SD cannot seem to properly brush her teeth to save her life. We have had everyone try to show her, we have showed her, once I even brushed them for her to show her what I expect and her teeth actually started pouring blood because she never brushes them correctly!! I don't even bother with the teeth anymore but you can bet your ass that my bio will be brushing those teeth until I am satisfied every single time! I know it sounds kind of messed up but I can't wait for SD to see that I expect the exact same of my bio and will not be easy on my bio at all!

jumanji's picture

This is actually pretty normal teen behavior. Has nothing with being a step. So, really? Don't take it so personally.

Orange County Ca's picture

As at least one other person said here ignore her.

Once you do that you take all the power away from her to have an effect on your life.

Do you realize that kids do this with bio-parents also? You're really not unique in this situation. Once you change your attitude the whole things becomes moot.