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SD is driving me crazy

Jay K's picture

I have been the step mother to my 6 year old SD for about 4 years. Since day one I have never liked this little girl. She really has some deep rooted issues and it has everything to do with her father. Her mother has been out of the picture since day one of her life so I'm the only mother that she has ever known. Anyway this little girl drives me nuts. She is a manipulative evil little girl. I have 4 children of my own but have lacked in building a relationship with this girl. I don't understand why society puts a demand on women to some how have a higher obligation to love a child. I mean I dont ask or expect my husband to do anything for my least in the emotions department. I don't like this little girl and the feelings are mutual. I feel bad but I dont want her hugging or kissing me even touching me for that matter. I feel like I take care of her physical needs and educational needs but emotionally I dont want to and dont feel I have to, am I wrong?

Most Evil's picture

Hi, can you tell us more about, what kind of issues she has? I confess just from what you have said so far, I feel a little sorry for this girl, who has no one to love her?

I know it must be hard because you have your own children, to find more to give though, and her parents should definitely be doing this for her. Please give us more info, I know there must be more Smile

Jay K's picture

Her father is in the picture and loves her very much she has an extended family that is supportive however they only see the poor little innocent girl. I;m on the outside looking in and I have tried I swear I have but I really dont like her ways. Everyone like yourself felt so sorry for her. My mother thought oh you are being so hard on her until she kept her, then she saw an out of control child. It's like there's no gray area if im to nice she's out of control. If Im hard on her she is under control. HELP