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Anxious about getting BM to court

HadEnoughx5's picture

BF is going back to court because he wants to settle his daughter's custody. BM is guilty of PAS, she was told by the Judge that if she was unable to support BF relationship with daughter then the Judge was going to do more surgery to the problem. After court BM turned up the burner with SD and totally alienated her from BF. One visit BF and I heard BM telling SD to runaway. BM called cops on us, had friends call cops on us, DCF was called; there were no finding of anything. Just pure aggravation. When we went back for a status hearing, the Judge did not entertain our motions, did not hear anything of what was going on and the GAL painted a sweet picture. A month later SD got so bad, BF told her not to come back. Now BM says he in contempt, so he's going back to let BM have her. BF would like full custody of boys and have no CS and he will take care all of the medical the SS's. Since BM will not pay her share of the out of pocket expenses or pay us for 1/2 of the activities for the skids. Yet we are faithfully paying CS.

Any thoughts on how you think it may go down? I just want BM to be stuck with SD that she created into a mini bitch of herself and suck the life out of her financial world }:)

HadEnoughx5's picture

Judge ordered that SD have counceling; BM refused to pay her part. Judge told them to continue co parenting counceling...BM refused to pay her 50 bucks; he was paying 200. The councelor would not see them again til she paid; have'nt gone back. BF has kept his end of the bargain except for SD and he did that because SS's were being subjected to cops almost every weekend. Cops were waking up the SS's to question them about BM's alligations.

Our file stays with this high conflict court for one year. Our court orders were done in a monologue form and 4 times the judge stated she was going against her better judgement and allowing BM to have 50% custody.