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The "Disengage" Storm went thru the house this weekend

HadEnoughx5's picture

Oh my, DH is so flustered and not sure what is happening around here, even though I wrote him a letter and gave him the essay on disengageing. It has been one interesting weekend of sorts. Last night DH asked me if I would be taking ss10 to school...I said no. Would I take ss12 to school...I'll get back to you in the morning. Did you lay out their clothes for school?....they can pick out their clothes from BM's bag. DH wanted to know if I told this skids all of this...I said no, that's your job.

DH went to throw away something in the trash and saw something of the skids and wanted to know why it was there. I played dumb and didn't know. DH says, I'd appreciate it if you didn't throw away things that my kids use. My response...I'd appreciate it if your kids didn't leave their crap around, especially our bathroom. DH went to talk with the kids and said they didn't do that, maybe it was your son. Uh, 27 year old son doesn't drink out of juicy box shaped container's that hold 4 oz. He went back to them again and when he returned he had nothing to say.

This morning DH had an early business flight. The skids were up and dressed by 7:20am, showered, made their beds, laundry in the hamper and no attitudes.

SS12 asked me if he was getting a ride or taking the bus. I said, do you want me to drive you to school? "Yes" Will I get a thank you at the end of the ride? "Yes" Then I will take you. That's what happened. A first!

SS10 is the sponge and takes all this in. On the way back from dropping ss12 off, ss10 is walking to the bus stop. I asked him what he was doing out so early. He said, Dad said I had to take the bus. I told him that it was too early, and did he want a ride home. He hopped in the car and I drove him back. I told him to change his sweatshirt (it was our's and I sent him back in BM's), he came upstairs , got changed and thanked me for a clean sweatshirt. Then when it was time for him to leave, I said have a great day at school. He said, thank you and thanks for picking me up at the bus stop too.

The skids are getting it quicker than the DH...scarey!!!

Anyone else have examples of how their transition to disengage went?