Anger Over $2000 Monthly Payments to BM
I am so upset that I have to vent and share because I wonder if anyone else gets this feeling- I don't know how to handle this.
My fiancee has 3 kids and owes back spousal support and current child support. His current payments to BM are $2000 a month and they will be for most of 2013 it looks like. We will be just squeaking by all year like this. The state we live in believes that the higher a mans income the higher his CS payments should be. Well guess what? He is still paying off all HER CREDIT CARD DEBT FROM WHEN THEY WERE TOGETHER, he gave her a huge retirement account, bought her out of half the house (which is now worth less then what the loan is)and I could go on forever. She just got breast implants...she NEVER buys the kids new clothes, WE PAY FOR their cell phones and cell phone bills and sports activities. WE HAVE NO EXTRA MONEY. I AM SO BITTER> Normally I am not like this. I don't give two shits about this lady. Shes a white trash idiot and I am embarrassed at the amount of emotional pain I am in over this.
Why should we have to be poor and she gets to be well off? He works very hard and she is reaping the benefits of money from the government- MY FIANCEE, and her current husband. Basically MY FIANCEE HAS NO MONEY TO SPEND ON ME BECAUSE ALL HIS EXTRA MONEY GOES TO HIS X WIFE AND IT DRIVES ME NUTS. Am I a total bitch for being upset? SHE DOES NOT SPEND IT ON THE CHILDREN. We even had to buy their school supplies. If she gets more plastic surgery I am going to vomit.
Does anyone else have these feelings ever?
There is no way to ensure
There is no way to ensure that a BM uses money on the children. In fact, this woman uses none of the money on the children as far as I can tell. The older son was wearing the same shirt two years in a row in his school photos. Once a reasonable established amount is paid to the BM to cover living expenses for the kids it should stop there. She did not invest in her x husband like a stock or something. His affluence should not be her windfall...
Let's take this piece by
Let's take this piece by piece.
How long have they been divorced?
Does BM work, too?
Did the original divorce agreement line out who gets/pays for what? Is there where he took on debt? It *may* have been that he took on the debt because it was assumed that he would make enough money on the house... how many years ago was this? Think about it...if the house was thought to have a bunch of equity, then the debt doesn't hurt as much. However, the market tanked, so that's ugly.
You said he owes BACK spousal support. That means he's in arrears. It's hard to complain about having to pay a debt when he's been getting out of it for some reason or another... it just caught up to him. How far behind was he? I mean, BM is married now, so awhile??
I can understand being frustrated that your SO has financial obligations that you don't like. The simple fact is that this obligation existed before you did. You came into this relationship KNOWING he owes money to his ex. It's a fact of his life. Plain and simple.
HOWEVER, the fact that you are virtually stomping your feet and yelling in caps that it's NOT FAIR that he can't spend money on YOU...WTF? That alone tells me you are nowhere near ready for the challenges of steplife. Not even close to ready. I'd honestly be disgusted with a man who chose to lavish me with gifts instead of taking care of his kids.
If you're broke, why? Do you work? Do you support yourself? Are you paying for his expenses? Are you paying for his kids' expenses?
BTW, if your SO cannot afford cell phones for the kids, then he should cancel the accounts.
Of course he should pay for
Of course he should pay for his children. I have no problem with that. I would not respect him if he was a deadbeat dad. And as far as I am concerned, I am pursuing my second college degree and paying for it myself- and I graduate next term. When I graduate I am expected to work full time and my income will be what we will live off of as well. I will have to cover for everything he cannot due to his huge obligations to his x-wife. And that makes me bitter. Which you are right. I guess I better think about this scenario a little harder. Maybe I cannot accept it. We are past the honeymoon stage and now reality has set in. We are engaged- I am all nested and moved in to his house. I am now seeing clearly what I have gotten myself into and its not what its cracked up to be. Children I CANNOT STAND come over Friday to Sunday EVERY WEEKEND. All his extra money goes to his x-wife. I am getting depressed and angry and that's why I am here. I wanted to be with this man so badly and now that I am with him the reality of it is not so great. I hate admitting these things. I cannot wave a wand and make his kids and obligations go away. And saying the serenity prayer- that's great advice. I wish that did it for me. I will try it over and over again. It just hurts sometimes.
So... are you working while
So... are you working while you're getting this degree? Hope so. I hope you're not complaining about where SO's money goes if you have none. If you aren't working, find a job. Now. By being unemployed and in someone else's home, you make yourself dependent. And dependent limits your options, ESPECIALLY if you're "just" living together. You don't have the legal protection of alimony.
I'd suggest thinking realllly long and hard about this relationship and this life. It is NOT easy. Personally, I would never choose to live with children I HATED for nearly half of my every week. That, to me, is insane. It's not fair to you, it's not fair to those children, and it's not fair to your SO.
I really wish women just slowed down... and waited for reality to settle in BEFORE hitching their wagons to a man and losing their individuality.
Indeed. We cannot predict
We cannot predict what life will throw our way.
However, we can sure be smart about not rushing things... which applies in the OP's case.
You didn't HAVE to buy their
You didn't HAVE to buy their school BOUGHT them their school supplies. Sorry, but if he does it, it is on HIM. If the kids have no school supplies, let the schools call the BM. Let her get ticked off, let her tell the children and all HE has to do is tell them that he gives their mom money for that. If he doesn't, it is on him. If the BM is like this, don't think for ONE MINUTE that as time goes by they will want more and more and more and more and when your DH FINALLY is living under a bridge, they will STILL hate him. Put a stop to it before it ruins you.
I can certainly relate to
I can certainly relate to your frustration.
We have the skids 50% and pay full CS... BM does not supply clothing except for what the skids are wearing when they come over... and despite all that if she finds out we buy them things like backpacks she tries to get us to give them to the kids for every day use (which we refuse to do). Recently she asked us if we had snowsuits for them this year... why we pay her anything but the difference in their salaries... which isn't much is completely beyond me! But this was the deal for their separation that he agreed to to encourage the court to give him 50% so that they didn't think he was in it just to get a reduction on CS. She won't pay half of swimming lessons because she can't afford it... yet.. but recently also got a boob job and tummy tuck...
During his separation he paid for her car, the house insurance etc... despite not living in the home or driving the car. When he moved out he left everything behind but his clothes and he didn't get many of his things back. She "lost" his wedding ring! Most of this was guilt. He also gave up more money over the price of his marital home so she would give him the 50% he wanted with his kids. She laughed at him because he bargained money for time with his kids... we laughed at her, because she took the money and gave him the time he wanted.
It is frustrating... but this is his agreement with his ex and you have to think of it this way otherwise you will resent him and the payments... it is a mortgage. A mortgage that will have to be paid there is nothing you can do about it. It is your cross to bare, this is what you signed on for.
However, what I don't understand is the back payments... means at some point he wasn't paying what he was supposed to... right?
You don't need to like his kids, but you do have to tolerate them. Can you deal with disliking his kids this much for the next year, 5 years, 10 years 20 years of your life? They are not going anywhere... They will always be a part of his life. Can you work with that? Big questions to ask yourself. good luck friend, it will not be easy figuring this stuff out.
The state we live in believes
The state we live in believes that the higher a mans income the higher his CS payments should be.
SAME!!!!!!!!!!!! And this is why we are broke and I am UP to my ears in debt...BM NEVER buys the girls ANYTHING...the only time they get new clothes out there is when they are gifted. We buy them back to school supplies, clothes, shoes, etc. While she has her hair tattoos, new PINK clothes...EVERYTHING...we can't even get our car fixed while she's driving a new one. SICK. I know the debt was my fault - BUT I refuse to let them go without...they are at the ages where everyone is starting to pay attention to what the other is wearing...and that damn Disney Channel and JUSTICE store doesn't help lol! Thank God I am a bargain shopper NOW...and sometimes I worry that their dad will be blamed for how they look or anything at know the old "I'm a single mom - their dad barely seems them - I work so hard" routine MOST like to pull...ugghhh
oh oh - I'd like to add too
oh oh - I'd like to add too before someone says it is my fault I am in debt...yes it is. But I don't dislike my steps - sure the oldest one gives me a rough time...and she has for 5 years but that kid has been through hell and really- I am the best role model she has. And I actually LOVE them enough now that I really do care about their well-being and self-esteem and I want them to take care of themselves and I want to teach them responsibility and I also KNOW that someday they will realize we did EVERYTHING we could to give them a good life.
Your sitution is different...maybe start doing things with your "not so steps" like I did - actiivites cooking lessons - fun things WITH may start to really enjoy them! For now...keep working on school...figure out whtt you want with you life! If this isn't for you in the long run...none of US will say "shame on you for not sticking it out!" We get it!
You need to nip the paying
You need to nip the paying for extras in the bud. When I was first with partner he was paying maintenance (had them near enough 50/50) and was expected to buy school clothes, shoes etc... on top of that. Of course it wasn't as bad as he wasn't paying spousal maintenance but maintenance was cash in hand so she didn't claim any of it which meant her benefits catered for the fact she apparently wasn't getting anything from the father. She's had 3 kids with 2 different fathers since then so think how much she rakes in. Luckily its going down from April and rightly so. She would claim poverty but would always be going out on the piss, had a brand new 8 seater and 2 other cars, new clothes, new gadgets etc... Once I'd moved in I put my foot down and said that he doesn't buy extras on top of the maintenance. After the first few times of partner saying no she gave up asking, or she'd get the kids to ask and he would simply say "your mum will buy them for you during the week". Of course he still pays half for extra curricular activities and will buy them odd bits here and there like toys but he doesn't buys stuff that his maintenance covers. If a BM thinks she can push it she will.
As for the maintenance going up when their wages go up I thought this was how it should be. Seems unfair if a guys earning let's say a grand a month but only paying a £100 a month. If you lived with the Bio parent you'd be spending a lot more and shouldn't be an easy way out by splitting with the parent.
His spousal support was $2500
His spousal support was $2500 a month for three years! The problem is, he does not have a job where he has a salary, he is in sales, and due to the economy was not making as much so he could not keep up the payments to her. He was so depressed over the divorce for a long time and didnt think to have it lowered (duh?) so he just got deeper in debt. He was so good to this woman- when they divorced she got a 40k IRA, a paid for SUV, half the house equity and like I said, the spousal. PLus he took on ALL THE CREDIT CARD DEBT- so she left with absolutely no debt whatsoever. He was over the top good to her and the hellion brats.
Anyways, Princess Jugglette came to get the douche bag brothers a few months ago which coincidentally was a few months after he just gave her a $4000 check for back spousal support (and right before her wedding), and he said, "honey, PJ's boobs are huge! I think she got implants!" He pretended he had to take the garbage out and walked the douches out to the car so he could examine them more closely....I WAS SO PIST. He was like, "I am 100% sure she got implants". It just made me sick. I guess I grew up in a fantasyland where the man I would marry would spend his hard earned money to buy me nice things, NOT SOMEONE ELSE. Its probably a psychological thing when the money goes out to her and then we have no money left at the end of the month for fun extras....I equate that as money that should be mine is hers. Especially when it is not going for the kids. The reality is my mans money that he works for is buying another womans clothes, plastic surgery, salon visits etc. And these are things I DO NOT GET. Thats how I see it and it hurts. But you know what- you guys are right- it is his legal obligation...we cannot control her, and I guess I will have to work harder to buy myself things. I just wonder- how does ANY WOMAN ever get comfortable and okay feeling watching some other woman reap the benefits of your husbands labor? She is on government assistance....and has her own husband, so I guess she has scored. Good for her. She's scamming the system. And she won't sign her kids up for any lessons, or buy them new anything. But- its none of my business.
I like oldhags advice. Just let go of it all. I am so bad at that.
The more I am here and the more I hear other people I do feel better and worse. I am glad I am not alone....but the future looks to be a rough one. I have decided recently to stop attending meals with the children because they are so rude and being around them makes me so upset.
She can't get government
She can't get government assistance with thousands a month in income. And since the court order is "in the system" she can't exactly hide it.
Instead of focusing on what BM GETS, focus on what YOU HAVE.
OP, you sound like the
OP, you sound like the entitled SDs many posters here complain about.
I was a single mom with a full time job while earning my MA. Attending school isn't an excuse for not working.
DF paying CS doesn't bother me at all. Since we both work, CS doesn't "hurt" us. As a matter of fact, we're better off than BM.
My live in bf bm gets $1,300
My live in bf bm gets $1,300 per month for 1 kid, and this B**** can't even buy him a pair of shoes or pay for his extra curricular activities. She even complains because the father is asking her to pay $10 per week for his hair cut. This lady thinks the checks are for her hair and nails and for her to take care of her teenage daughter who is not his. Oh boy... I get angry just thinking about it. I have changed my whole mindset. The money I spend in the house stays in the house and I make sure I am taking advantage of it. I use to go out and buy this kid clothes, shoes, toys with my money. Nope nothing anymore... especially since she doesn't show any respect and she likes to keep all the stuff I paid my money for. I was a single mother and raised my daughter alone with nothing. These woman take advanatage of situations at the detriment of their own child. I can't imagine ever doing something like this as a BM. EVER
Oh and I forgot to add that my bf NEVER asked this lady to pay for anything until now. Of course the lady blames me for it, but my bf is 2 months behind on his mortgage. If you are behind on your mortgage, common sense didn't tell my bf that he needed to make her pay for stuff and stop paying for all these extras? He created this monster. Not to mention my bf has been paying for private lessons for his son and still behind on his mortgage catching up. I asked him how he is able to afford these private lessons and guess what he said "because I am paying for a lot of the other stuff". I then asked well if you knew I was paying for the extra stuff then he should have been doing extra stuff for me and not paying for private lessons. Let me also say that in 8 months my bf has only bought me 1 gift. yes 1
Look, girlfriend. We pay BM
Look, girlfriend. We pay BM $2500 - down from $3400 - and DH isn't behind on anything. It makes me sick. I try to think of it as: I make enough money to live on my own. Even when it's all said and done, DH and I have enough to survive. We have each other. Some day her free ride will come to an end. And I will bask in the extra money. I will buy myself expensive gifts and takes trips - just to enjoy life. And she will need to prostitute herself to someone else. Whatever. I don't care what she does. It's like paying off a car... and when she's paid off, I am going to party!