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OT-but I need prayers !!

stepwitch's picture


Where do I mother is 59 yo. She has always been in pretty good health, never sick much. Last year she had a knee replaced, which went very well. She has always been able to run cirlces around me. After this surgery she had been co to me that she couldn't have a good bm. I've been trying to convince her to get a colonoscopy for years, she would just chalk it up to taking pain meds that have constipated her. Finally she agreed after started having abdominal pain. The first attempt, ended up her unable to drink the "go lytely" before the procedure..she vomitted it and it didn't do it's job (likely from being blocked). Then the docs attempted the barrium enema. Which didn't work either. The xrays showed 2 contrictions. ((not good)).

With my experience in ICU/hospice, I have a good understanding of what is to come. She is scheduled for surgery Tuesday. She will come out of surgery with a ostomy. She knows this, but is convinced it will be reversed in a few months, which is possible...but unlikely. She doesn't realize the impact this is going to have on her self image. I know my mother, this is not going to be good...but this is not what I'm concerned with. I'm more concerned about what caused the constructions. She has a history of diverticulitis which maybe one reason....but I'm scared that it is cancer. I'm trying not to jump to conclusions and am trying hard to stay upbeat! I have seen many people diagnosed with colon cancer go thru chemo and have successful results, but many more not.

Please, my friends...send up prayers for my mom....we are going to need all the support we can get. I will be traveling today to Illinois to be with her thru the surgery then back to work a few nights, then traveling back to stay with her after she gets home from the hospital. I'm scared...worried...and just wanted y'all to know why I've been MIA.


Most Evil's picture

Wow, I am so sorry to hear but will hope for the best - it is great that your mom is so young! though, maybe she will be stronger than other patients. My friend had colon cancer and it is very difficult so I hope you get good results instead. We miss you and will pray for good news!!!!!

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin

sparky's picture

Laura, Prayers going up for you and your family.

BMJen's picture

sweetie and know that I will be praying for you and your mom everyday.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

I'm sending prayers to you and your family. Drive carefully. It's probably snowing where you're going.


bellacita's picture

u and mom are in my me if u need to chat! be careful!

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

B's picture

Prayers for your Mom and for your safe travel have been said and will continue to be said. Hugs to you my friend.

Sita Tara's picture

Will be very present in my thoughts. I wish DH wasn't booked on business this week, I think I'm an easy drive away from your parents.

Please keep us posted and call me Tue if you have time or want to talk.

Love and hugs,

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

kathleen's picture

I have tried to call you a couple of times but your vm says you aren't set up. So sorry to hear about your mother. Life has definitely given you a few hits lately. Hang in there and I'll also say prayers.


imagr8tma's picture

you and your mom.

I pray for a good news after the surgery as can be expected. I pray for a healthy recovery for your mom. I pray for you and your entire family.

God bless.

Not My Real Mom's picture

I will make sure to say extra prayers that all goes well.

“When all else fails, get a dog.”

Razamond's picture

where many meet in prayer - I will add your Mom to my prayer list. My uncle had two feet of his colon removed (cancer) and he is doing ,arvelous for the past five years

northernsiren's picture

You and yours are in my thoughts...

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein

JMC's picture


Coming your way, stepwitch. My family has been dealing with some major health issues for a while now, it's very difficult and frustrating, but hang in there - God bless!

Harleygal's picture

for you and your mom..

"OCD sucks"
Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to destroy.
--Henri de Lubac

Tara12's picture

SW - your mom is very young and sounds like she is in good shape. I will keep you both in my prayers and I know she is going to be just fine!

Colorado Girl's picture

Much love to you and yours.

You know I'm a phone call away. I've walked in your very shoes with my dad and know exactly how you feel. You have my shoulder anytime you need it.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

stepwitch's picture

And support. Her surgery is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. Wouldn't you know mother nature isn't going to cooperate!! Heavy snow and ice predicted..ugh! I'll give an update when I hear/know something more.

I arrived here yesterday. I was astonished to see how much more weight loss my mom exhibited and very pale. She is in good spirits and has done her homework on the colonostomy. My dad is scared to death. I am trying to console him...but I need consoling too......

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Sita Tara's picture

Wrap us around you tomorrow. Much love to you and your parents.

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra