O/T...Hospital...Day 14
Just an update for those who have been following the saga of my sister's cancer and hospitalization. She's still in the hospital...two weeks today. I have been here every single day. It's been a roller coaster. She had surgery last Thursday (my bday), a procedure to keep her lung inflated. So far, so good! She got her second chest tube out yesterday, so we're just watching to make sure her lung stays inflated. Her most immediate problem is a tumor blocking a good portion of her right airway. She's having radiation treatments to try and shrink that..every day for 9 more days (total of 14), then hopefully will start chemo again if her lung holds out. (Sorry if I'm repeating...I don't remember what I put in my last update)
We're meeting with Palliative Care today just to start discussing long term plans. We've been talking a lot about her advanced directives. Her hemoglobin was very low today, but there may be a lab error...having that repeated soon. If it is low, they have to start looking for bleeding. Not sure when she's going home yet, but hopefully it will be soon!!
Thanks again to those of you who have send your good thoughts and prayers!! We appreciate you very much!!
We have not forgotten to pray
We have not forgotten to pray for you and your sister. You are never far from our thoughts.
Thanks for the update.
Thank you both so much!! I
Thank you both so much!! I haven't been on ST much the last few weeks. I do appreciate you and your thoughts and prayers! imp