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stepwitch's Blog

Just Poppin In to StepLand.....

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Hey All...Remember me? Been a while. Got a call from a stepmom friend today, and thought I would just pop in to say hi to all of ya.

For those newbies who aren't familiar with me, I am a Step Mom Survior. YIP Believe That, we do survive. It took me all of 16 1/2 years but through the strength of GOD, hubby, and this site, I survived. I survived the constant battle of superior manipulations, constant interefernce of the BM and the DH's families misperceptions. I even survived the knock-down drag-out violent tendencies of the SD.

Update on Sia....

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Sia just phoned, surgery went well and she is now recovering. Her voice was with relief to know that they were able to remove the ovarian cyst without difficulties, even though it had begun to attach to her colon. According to her physician, she didn't think it was malignant, but was sent to patho for results. She is enjoying her pca pump now and is in minimal pain. She also stated that she would remain in the hospital through the weekend.

Sia asked me to let "the girls" know how she was doing and to thank everyone for their thoughts & prayers....


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Everybody sitting down????

So, sd has been dating this guy from the air force. Seems to be a real nice clean cut guy. Well he comes over last Friday to ask DH permission to ask Sd hand in marriage.

Now..both of think 19 is way too young for marriage-but what to you do? Forbid it - ya right! So permission granted. The best news is after the marriage they both will be going to Germany...did y'all hear that? Sounds awesome my sd in Germany and married to good guy. What this fella didn't understand is that we just wanted to jump up to hug him and thank him. Hehe

Update: Thanks so much for Prayers..

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As most of y'all know, my mother had colon surgery Tuesday. The surgery went well and she is recovering. The docs removed about 2' of her colon and was able to connect without using a temporary colostomy. They said that they removed a mass from the outside of her colon the size of a baseball. The mass has been sent to lab for a workup. The doc was sure that it was not malignant, but the testing will coming soon. She is recovering well and I want to thank everyone for the well wishes and prayers.

Hubbies new year resolution....hhmmm ?

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Oh God..... Last night sucked!! I sat at home and watched tv. Pretty much by myself. My kids were upstairs playing guitar hero that they got for Christmas. Me...just sat here...texted some friends Happy New Year. Kathleen, bless her heart, called me after getting her text oblivious to what has been going on-I couldn't even talk to her through all my sobbing, snorting and the inability to just breathe. How embarrasing for such a strong willed person, huh?

Listen to what bd said....

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My bd and I were sitting in the front room this morning-I was having my morning coffee. She said "mom have you ever noticed that grandmother always talks about sd. It doesn't even matter what we are talking about she refers back to something about sd. I'm so tired of hearing about what she did or how sweet or cute she is.". I simply just asked "does that bother you?". She said it is so annoying. My bd is 13 and the sd is 19.

I guess I'm not the only one that NOTICES....

Great expectations.....

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So...Christmas morning I wake up to a pager going off at'ez! Already been out all night long seeing pts. Short one nurse, I covered 7 counties all by myself. So after being sleep deprived and putting over 250 miles on my little car, that pager was the last thing I wanted to hear. I left my bs sitting on the couch telling him not to open gifts until I get home.

Get gifts..everyone happy.......then off to the inlaws...sigh

Merry Christmas Ya-Ya's

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I had a dream last night that the ya-ya's came for Xmas dinner at my house. That was my Christmas present. The Principlist came too! I was sooo happy. For those of you that sent Christmas cards this year, thanks. I hadn't prepared or sent any. I have been having a hard time getting into the Christmas Spirit.