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Emotionally worn out.

Georgie Girl's picture

Lately, I have been over-stressed, moody and very irritable. The tension in my house is so thick you could cut it with a knife. Dh just seems to be oblivious of it all avoids any and all confrontation of any kind.

I need peace and balance in my life and I have neither. Last night I drank about 3/4 of a botttle of wine, which is not something I regularly do, then told Dh that I was ready to end our relationship. I wish I hadn't of said it but I did. I apologized this morning but I feel like I am just tearing away at an already very weakend situation. Dh doesn't really seem to care about much and doesn't seem to actually hear or bother to listen to anything I say. He defends his kids to the end even if they are blatantly wrong. He seems to think that they are so perfect that it is fostering the resentment that is beginning to build in my heart. I am tired of feeling hurt and let down.

Sometimes I just want to run away but when I really think about it, I am not ready to throw in the towel just yet. I do care for this man very much. I was hoping that we would make it for keeps but lately I just wonder which one of us is going to give out first.

I miss alot of the things that I loved about Dh. We used to be able to talk and even though we had our issues, he was willing and I felt good about building a relationship with his kids. I miss the sweet, caring, sincere and funny man that I fell for. Now he just doesn't seem willing anymore and is just shut off completely. Sd and I don't really care for each other much and it is a very stressfull house.

I don't know how it all started to go south. I actually really liked sd at one time and enjoyed our "family." I miss that time. I don't want to feel this way and wish that things were different. I want and need a partner that is my friend too and I can talk to. That Dh isn't here anymore. So here I sit at work, not wanting to go home and wanting to at the same time. I had to call dh today about a work thing and he was less than happy to hear from me and we have not talked since. He just ignores any conflict and acts like all is okay and that we don't matter. I hate being ignored so maybe I will just go work out or something.


Thanks for listening to my pity party.



stepwitch's picture

Where did u say u put that oar? Where did the love go?

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Razamond's picture

I have felt the exact same you feel know - let me tell you I am now in a different stage. I thought long and hard about it and I said to myself I love this man and I am going to fight for my marriage. At one time my SD and I had a good relationship too, I suspect that her hatefulness is coming from BM - this maybe yours as well, plus she is now an offical teenager. Instead of H punishing her when she does wrong (like stealing perfume and other things from me) he chooses to get mad at me. I have disengaged from SD, that is the only way I can come home from work and not be miserable!! I also got to the point where the stress was so bad I downed a bottle of wine (and I don't drink). I can't tell you if your marriage is worth fighting for but I can recommend that you disengage from SD - at least you will lose that feeling of "Do I really want to go home".

Joshua Davis's picture

Hi new here. first time evr writing on this site. Never thought so many people would feel how I feel. Just worn out. And the horrible thing is that I don't understand why. I love and I know that I love becuase I feel more than just in my gut but all over my body... ...I love my wife and children all. But i just keep randomlly biteing off their heads (ALL THE TIME!) Help me Lord. It hasn't gotten so bad that I want to drink my worries and stress away but I don't ever want it to get there. I want peace. Peace and understanding. The funny thing about all of this my kids and wife all proclaim to love me back. But I jsut seem to be mad and upset at them all the time. I hope that I can someday, somehow have peace. The kind of overwhelming peace that you can find when you walk into a forest and its snowing heavy and all you can hear is the sound of your breath, the wind, the trees, and nothing. That kind of peace.

Lord please help me. If you are truly real and you really are the god of all hope and peace then help me. Help these people. help their families. help us all. GIVE US PEACE!!!!!!!! Give us Hope.