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out of the mouth of babes

Georgie Girl's picture

My ss said the rudest thing to me tonight. I was in the kithchen looking at a magazine with sd when sd made a comment about an actress not being very pretty. I said I don't think she is ugly, she just looks average there. So my ss pipes up and says "oh like you?" How rude. Do 8 year olds really come up with that sort of thing? I didn't say anything to him but I felt that for whatever reason he was trying to make a real effort to get to me. He has never done anything like that before. In fact, I thought we were buddies.

And really, an insult from an 8 year old really didn't bug me, it just seemed like a wierd comment for him to make.



holeekrap789's picture

just his little 8yr old akward way of complimenting you by saying you're as pretty as that actress, not ugly, but real! that's how I would choose to take it. Wink
Lisa Dawn

TheSaneOne's picture

Yeah I don't think he meant any harm, I would have taken it as a compliment - I see what you are saying though, that she wasn't ugly when he said she was but when you added that she is average - in his mind that probably means normal, pretty, like you Smile

bama step mom's picture

My SS 7 1/2 says stuff like that alot but usually it has to do with my "wow this chicken is so tuff I need a knife, or wow this bread stick sure is extra dark and crispy tonight"!!! but I know that he doesn't mean any harm. We have a very good relationship. I think that sometimes 7 and 8 and etc.. have a way with words that sometimes we just don't understand. I think it might have something to do with getting close to the tween age. It seems like kids are acting more and more grown up with their actions and words these days.

But I would agree with what holeekrap789 and TheSaneOne...just take it as a compliment, that your not superficial but naturally beautiful, and it will make you feel better Smile