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The final stand part 3

Sia's picture

Ok, so finally I can type the rest of it......busy today for some odd reason????? I guess garbage is never ending....
So, after Dh said he was leaving for good, I told him to take her with him. He said her mom is on the way. I said, if you walk out that door before sugarmama gets here, I will call the police and tell them she is unruly and they can take her, you are NOT leaving her with me! So, I sit in the living room hysterically crying. like I said, I have basically been planning for this day for a while now, but it still was a shock and was painful as hell. BS10 is now upset b/c DH told him he was leaving (asshole). Nice thing to do to your kids on Christmas day huh? Forever ruin their Christmas. So, I eventually got up and locked myself in the bathroom. Puking and know how it is right? Anyway, I hear the backdoor close and I know he's gone. I got even more upset then. Not really b/c he left, but more b/c I can see the future of our boys. Dh will be soooo very hard to deal with after the divorce. I went through hell after my parents divorced when I was 9, and I swore I'd NEVER put my kids through that! I cried for all my kids future bdays that wont be the same, their Christmas', their graduations, etc. Nothing will ever be the same, ever again for them. I know, been there, done that. My parents divorce made me very insecure with relationships, and w/DH I thought I had gotten past that with him. I start thinking about how very different my life is about ready to become. How I know I am a strong person and have gotten through much tougher situations, so I know I'll make it through this one. But, it doesn't stop the pain. I end up with a migrain, clearly stress induced. So, after passing out on the bathroom floor due to the pain, I wake to DH picking me up and trying to get me to be coherent. He's crying and telling me that he does not want to lose me or the boys and that he knows he would be miserable w/out us in his life. He said he cannot accept the fact that SD will never be the child he thought she was and that he is devastated at the fact that her mental illness will never allow her to be a happy person, at least not with herself. (during all this, sugarmama comes to pick her up). The boys are watching a movie and are kind of oblivious to all this... Then I lay down in bed and DH has a seizure. He gets these sometimes....neurologist says they are brought on by extreme stress. So, I call EMS....even though I am an EMT, I am not a medic, and he will need his airway preserved if he doesn't come out of it soon. By the time they arrive, he's out of it and feeling sick, but ok. He refuses to got o the hospital...whatever. So, we sit down and talk some more about things, and he says he does NOT want SD living with us anymore, good at least I have that right?
So, we decide to take the boys to see a movie. Oldest picks Marley & me. No, I haven't read the book, or the reviews, so I have noooo idea what I am walking into. DO NOT see this movie after crying all day in the 1st place! You WILL cry the last 45 mins of the movie. If you do not, you are NOT human! SO, after crying at the damn movie, we decided to visit my elderly aunt and some of my cousins. We actually ended up having a pretty good time. In the end, we decided that we love each other more than we want to hurt the boys. He has also agreed to go to individual counseling and marriage therapy. (he has other issues he needs to work on)....
so, all in all the day sucked, but I guess it all had to come to a head sooner or later. Oh, and I DID forward the video to all her family from her phone, and I DO still have the ipod and other gifts. I am going to take them back after the lines die down in a day or so. Hopefully DH won't reconsider anything!
I did tell him that my main problem with SD is the fact that she is so damn disrespectful to me AND him and I will NOT live with a child who cannot respect me. Someone has that as their quote.... "you don't have to like me, but you DO have to respect me". That's how I feel ya know? I really have never minded the fact that she lived with us, in fact, I think she's better off with us.....she does so much better in everything when she's away from sugarmama. But its the disrespect I cannot stand. I think he's finally starting to understand her illness to some degree and understand that he can't let her get away with something even once, b/c then it becomes this thing were she thinks it is an everyday occurence. You cannot give one inch with her, or she will take several miles. With most kids you can let them get away with some stuff, and blow it off. You cannot do that with her, she cannot understand the difference. My saving grace right now is that she is with sugarmama and wont be back (I hope). Please send me good thoughts, I soooo need some strength right now! Thanks!!!


bellacita's picture

sia, i am so very happy that this is part 3 to the story. im so happy DH woke up and realized who and what he was choosing by leaving, and has decided, most importantly, to work on things and get professional help w it. im sure it is very difficult to realize that ur children have faults, even very large ones...i know my DH does regarding SS20 but hes learned he cannot change who he is. all we can do is try the best we can and always remember to put the people first who truly deserve it. im hoping this is only the start of ur happy ending my friend. may the new year bring u peace...big hugs.

"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin

Sia's picture

I sure hope 2009 is better, cause I dont think I can live through another shitty year! Smile

bewitched's picture

"To Thine Own Self Be True" William Shakesphere

marriage. I do hope your DH means everything, and sticks with it.

I wish a miracle would happen with my H-his mom & kids staying here last nite while my own son had to stay elsewhere is the talk of my family today. Good luck, girl.

sweetthing's picture

I am so glad he sent her back to her mothers, for your sake. Mental illness is hard on those who have it, but I swear are harder on those who have to deal with the person with the illness. What an absolute roller coaster of a day. I am so glad you forwarded that video and take back those gifts. I really hope that counceling helps.

Sasha's picture

I was waiting with bated breath for this third installment of your story. I am sooo sorry that you and your family had such a stress-filled holiday. I so hope that you and H are able to work things out. I'm a product of divorce too, and I know how difficult that can be on kids.

I'm saying prayers for you, kiddo!

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Wow! That was one heck of a day! I hope that your Dh does what he says he will.

I'll be thinking about you and hoping that things are much better in 2009!

Hugs to you!!!! And let me just say this..........YOU ROCK!


stepwitch's picture

I knew shit was fixin to be sprawled-but damn!! This trumps everything.. Holy shit is all I can say. I haven't even read part 2 yet !!

Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!

Most Evil's picture

I am so sorry all this happened, especially on Christmas. I am glad SD did not get to keep her gifts too. You cannot go on with this constant drama and I was about to cry just reading your story.

I will pray for you and DH and no one, no one! should have to be that strong, just to get thru every day! SD needs a spanking, to me, if anyone can! I hope counseling will help your DH (you are completely not at fault) and you have a happier 2009.

"A lie told often enough becomes the truth." - Vladimir Lenin