I am at the end
of my short little rope and I am sooooo sick of SD16. I NEED her to MOVE back with sugarmama PRONTO!!!!!
First of all, I am sick.....have strep throat and have been off work since last Monday. I had no vacation time left, so I had to just take off work and not get paid.....don't care, I do not work for money, only as a time filler. Beside the point. My boss says to me last week that they are thinking of terminating me b/c I didn't have any vacation left to take off.... Whatever! However, DH is cranky about it, so I am trying to keep the peace at work. (we work for the same company).
Second, while my children are in school, we do not use a babysitter b/c usually my dad or SD16 will watch them. They are 10 and 8 and do not require spoon feeding. However, usually SD16 does a good job watching them.....most of the time. But when she doesn't want to watch them, it is a free for all!
Third, SD16 got into some major trouble over the weekend, (see previous blog... "Gross, but need advice fast"). As a result, she has lost her phone until further notice. So, I brought the phone to work w/me so she would not be able to find it and use it while we aren't home. The stupid little boy who started this mess will NOT stop texting the phone. I have even told him that she does not have the phone. So, next he has his little sister using his moms phone to text SD's phone asking for our address. I ask "Y" and she responds that he wants to send her letters. I respons that I think he has "given her enough this year!" and I think the house phone will be good enough for now. The stupid little kid responds back with what a horrible SM I am to have taken away a phone that SD pays for,and that we should forgive him b/c GOD forgives people. blah blah blah. That sends me straight through the roof! So I text back that they'd better not EVER text me such crap again and how dare they bring GOD into it. I also asked to speak with a parent. Got no where with that request.
In the meantime, I call home to speak with my BS10 to find out what the hell SD is doing. (I really know that she is on the house phone feeding info to the sister to text me) (bitch). Soooo, SD says that my boys are outside playing.....WHAT? It's 10 flippin degrees outside, WHY are they outside? So she goes into this tyrait about how my boys are brats, etc and how she is NEVER watching them again....wah wah wah. I know that they can be hard headed, but I know what was REALLY going on. They wanted to go outside, and since she is hold up in her room on the phone, not paying any attention, they go out. GOD only knows how long they had been out there before she figured it out. I started yelling at her to get off the f'in phone and pay attention to them. She refuses to get them inside. So, I call DH at work and tell him to get his ass home and deal with his child before I walk out on my job and go home and beat the living horse crap out of her! He calls me back saying he was on his way. I haven't heard from him yet. I started crying b/c I am sick that my boys are not being properly cared for. What is a person supposed to do? Also, I asked her why the hell didn't she just move back in with sugarmama? She said fine I will and hung up on me! Good....but it wont happen. So then she calls DH and says "If you dont get her off my back, I am gonna move out". Threatening Dh? Are you kidding me? I told him that no way in HELL would I ever be threatened by a 16 y/o spoiled brat! He agreed, and said he would deal with her when he got home. My guess is that he wont exactly deal with it, just pat her butt and tell her to get over it. UGGGGHHHH this does NOT make me want to do anything for her for XMAS! I don't even want to be around her surly ass!
- Sia's blog
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Vent away!!
Sia, first thing, I am getting that "throat/sinus" thing (mine isn't even STREP) and I feel like a piece of shit, also. The LAST thing I need is AGGRAVATION from any inconsiderate people!
Secondly, I feel your pain regarding her behavior. She sounds like total brat, and I hope H took care of it for you. You have enough stress in your life (including job, 2 little ones of your own, and the upcoming "holidays") than to put up with her selfishness.
I'm with ya, girlfriend!
"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."-Eleanor Roosevelt
here's hoping
an apology is waiting for you when you get home Sia. Being sick and dealing with all this crap only makes it worse
feel better!!!
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein
I think that sd & bf got off too easily...I sware I would have carried that cell phone straight to the authorities!! What balls! If she is not taking care of the boys, what about Reagan? I will have to drive 5 hours to kick her ass for that!
I hope you are feeling better. I missed you Saturday...
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
Brad is taking VERY good care
of her! She's so cute. Why does she pee every 15 mins? It's wearing me out!
bc shes a baby!
i remember how that is tho--taking them out every 5 mins to tinkle...ugh. sia i saw ur baby when i visited and she is too flippin' cute!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Yeah, she is soo adorable
It's funny too b/c she is soooo big and clumsy. Like a bull in a china shop! So when do they stop doing the every 15 mins thing? It's wearing me out.
once she gets in a normal routine w u
try crating her...that will help too. once she learns to control her bladder more she will be fine!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
yeah, we are crating her when
we aren't home and at night. Man, this puppy thing is a little more than I thought it would be I guess .... LOL I'm to old for another baby...hehe
I'm right there with
you on this one! I'm getting wore out too!!
lol! u will be fine!
crating her will help control her bladder. they even recommend crating all day when u arent actively engaging them for awhile when theyre little...just to get them used to it. ive never been a big fan of crating...did it at first but them stopped and so now i have a spoiled rotten mischief maker
learn from my mistakes, girlie!
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
I dont really like the crate either, but i know I need to do it. I just can't take the whining.....it breaks my heart, but she eventually settles down and goes to sleep....
:( i know
i couldnt take it either...
we crated bella (my doggie) last year so she wouldnt bother the xmas tree and she would bang herself off the crate and bite at it!!! i know, melodramatic! last time she was in it, her chin was bloody and the crate door was bent so she could escape! we couldnt figure out how she did it for the longest time, bc the door was barely bent, but she slid her skinny little butt thru there!
so after that, no more crating.
"Given the right reasons and the right two people, marriage is a wonderful way of experiencing your life."
~the late great George Carlin
Sia, I crated my sheppard
Sia, I crated my sheppard mix Evey and it was the best thing we could ever do for her. We have had her for a year now and she no longer has accidents in the house - we still crate her during the day while we are at work because she will chew on the furniture when we are not there. She loves her crate though - after a while it becomes their sanctuary. Her doggie bed is up in our bedroom but almost everymorning I wake up to find her fast asleep downstairs in her crate.
Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin
Lucky for me
Our puppy was was already pretty much crate trained. We got her from a rescue shelter so though she doesn't want to go in her crate when we leave she doesn't make a huge fuss (we leave her in the kitchen still do to chewing on things the rest of the time, she even does fine there at night.)
She's only ever had a few accidents- most recently after having her fixed when still groggy with anesthesia.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
I hope there's enough thread in the rope
To hold both of us! I am near the end of mine as well.
My SD is being so bit@hy. I don't like to type that out loud because it sounds (reads) so incredibly mean. But I swear it's true. Grown up adult level bit@hy. My sons still talk back occasionally, as in WHY do I HAVE to pick up my LAUNDRY etc. But SD is relentless, spiteful, contemptuous. And she even "jokingly" told DH to SHUT UP this week. I thought he was going to pass out he was so mad.
I am sorry that it didn't last Sia. I was hopeful that your run of good luck was contagious for me.
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra
Well, it was good while it
lasted.....clearly yours didn't last long either! HA. I always feel soooo damn stupid after thinking that we would ever get along. Why do I keep thinking that she will become who I want her to be? I think I just end up frustrating myself!
I know what you mean about them being adult bitchy. She was in rare form this morning and I was ready to give her an adult bitch slap! }:) She's driving me up a freakin wall. BUT, I am NOT going to let her surly attitude ruin my Christmas! Hopefully she will go with sugarmama on the 25th! Then I think I will take the boys and Dh and a friend of mine and see movies all day. That sounds like fun! A day w/out her is fun in and of itself. I know that's mean, but i just don't care anymore.
I have accepted that SD and I will never get along
and she did not ruin my holiday. Had holiday dinner with her and SS and I tuned her out. Whenever she talked about herself or about her "ailment" I would say "oh, what? did you say something?" I happily sat there as I ate my dinner and talked to my SS and DH. It is immature of me, but I'm so tired of her crap! The brat shows up after a year of not seeing DH and I with her greedy hands out for her gifts, but not so much as a card for us. I'm done with the selfish witch! I'm thrilled that I won't have to see her at all for christmas! She and her psycho BM need a big 'ol bitch slap! }:)
That's funny!
Ya! Do it, Plan it!!
She didn't pee every 15 minutes here, but she was outside too. I bet she just gets excited. I too would crate her. Especially if you plan to keep her inside. She will learn and when she figures out that whinning isn't in her best interest, she will quit. GS are very smart and will try to please their owners. It won't take long. Be patient and take your frustrations out on sd (did I type that?). Sometimes putting a lightweight blanket over the crate might help too. I remember when we brought Misty home (Reagan's mom), we crated her at night and she cried and cried and cried, we finally put the crate in the garage with a blanket over it. It kept out sanity. Misty is a wonderul dog!!! Reagan will be also.
I know....put a photo of sd in the crate and teach to sik!!! LOL
Thank you Disney for portraying a positive image on all stepmothers!!!!
I was going to do that with sugarmama anyway.......hahahaah