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Another kid...another problem

rlj2007's picture

Ok so my DH has to go out of town (required for work) in two weeks. He will be gone for about 6 days. He has joint custody with daughter, 2. It is two weeks on two weeks off. Well, his traveling takes him away for one entire week while SD is here. DH sent an email to BM and told he was going out of town during this time frame and if she wanted to take her a week early and then he would pick up daughter the weekend he gets back and start the 2 weeks on 2 weeks off at that point. Of course, BM does not agree. She wants to keep her for 3 weeks straight. She wrote in her email either I can take her early or Susan can watch her during the week he is gone. Now, SD is 2 and I have a good relationship with her. However, that would mean that I have 4 kids with for a week, 2 of which are under the age of 5. DH would like for me to keep her for that week so that we can stay on schedule. I like SD but she is a lot of work. Especially since she is the youngest one in BM house. So we have the normal 2 year old crap along with being used to being babied by BM. I would love to be able to do it but I jnow I could not handle 4 children for 6 days with no help. I told DH that I just didn't think I could do it. And of course he throws up if she was your kid and she was blood related to you, you would do it. The last time we had all 4 together, my parents were in town and I had them take BD7 for 2 of her 3 week track-out. I gave up my own kid so that I would be able to better care for the others. Another thing is he brings these kids here but has no relationship with them. He does nothing with SS7 not even a walk or tossing a ball outside. As far as the SD, he does nothing with her. He never sits and talks to her or play with her and her toys. He doesn't clean up after any of the kidshe doesn't do their laundry or pack their lunch for school or make sure they have a snack to take to school. For the 2 week priod that I sen BD to gparents, I was the one that made sure that SS and SD had meals. I gave SD her baths. I changes her clothes when she decided to rub her food on her shirt. I taught her how to change her own diaper "pullup" because she refuses to sit on the toilet and I don't want to clean up her pee and poop. So, I guess my question would be why are these other 2 kids here? They are there for HIM to play with help with homework hang out with. I don't mean to separate steps from bios but I am worn out. I have 2 of my own to raise and it's not fair to them. Not sure how to change that. But this is how I feel about the situation wrong or not it is my true feelings.


melis070179's picture

I would tell your DH that if he wants you to treat his kids as your own he needs to take a more active role in their lives & caring for them so that you don't feel resentful for being worn out. I would just let the BM have the SD2 for the extra week while he's gone. Thats sticking to the same schedule and he won't be there anyway so why wouldn't she be with her own mom?