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feeling empty

sarahbernheart's picture

I was wondering if a person can detach so much they end up losing feelings for their situation S/O permantely.
I have had many struggles with my FH and his oldest bioson. this boy is 18 with a 9th grade educ. smokes cigs and weed, drinks (not soda unless it is mixed with vodka) no job - now, FH has been living for the most part with me while maintaining a rental which BS lives and hangs with loser friends. by the way that house is TRASHED!
we have had so many fights about his son and about our living situation that I just decided to detach. that was a few months ago, now I am finding I am detaching from my feelings good and bad with FH.
and I dont know how to talk to him about it cuz he is the kind of guy who just likes to ignore things in hope that they will go away and ya know what it does and so does the love.
it is sad how much I love/loved this guy.
but my fear is that I have over detached.
is that possible? can I get that loving feeling (insert hall&oates hum here) back??


sarahbernheart's picture

that is exactly how I feel -"whatever"

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Elizabeth's picture

I know my feelings for my husband have changed very much as a result of the situation with SD. And not for the better, unfortunately. I realize that he is a fallible person (as am I), but I feel he treats me unfairly in an attempt to make himself feel closer to SD. I love him still, but not the way I loved him when I married him. That's something I have to learn to live with. I have a feeling her feels the say way about me. Neither of us are the person we were when we got married almost eight years ago.

I am hoping, with SD going to live with BM, that we can regain some of that "loving feeling" that has been lost. I feel like maybe it's just submerged somewhere, waiting for the right circumstance to reappear. But if it's not, I will have to deal with that too.

sarahbernheart's picture

and I am sad, cuz it used to be so wonderful and no lie before FSS was kicked out by FH ex life was great! (isnt that the way it always is??)
then little by little I feel like a piece of me was killed.
I hope we can regain some of what was lost.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Regretful1's picture

I feel the same way! In order to not feel the pain of the circumstances, I detatch my emotions, good and bad from DH. This is really dangerous for me to do, though, because it completely kills our love life...I can't just turn it off then turn it back on...and I know DH notices it, but thinks I am just disconnecting and there is nothing he can do about it. He lived such seperate lives with his first wife, that he thinks the 'disconnection' is normal in a marriage...unfortunately, for me there is no marriage w/o a connection...just an eventuality hanging over my head and a constant sadness about how things could be if the circumstances were different...I REALLY wish SD would go live with BM...

Angel's picture

you can probably see things clearer. The biokid is NOT the issue here, it is the FATHER!!!! Oh my gosh, you're not planning to stay with this man are you?

sarahbernheart's picture

that FH is part of the problem, to some degree so am I. by detaching I have gain some of my sanity back but the cost was some of my love too.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

hey -we have to have something to look forward to right!!
with my luck FH would bail him out!!!
I think telling myself the same thing, "I dont care, not my problem" has spilled into I dont care about any of it, but I hope you are right I hope it is only temporary.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

ColorMeGone2's picture

No, no, no... your future husband is not PART of the problem, he IS the problem and I would seriously think twice about finalizing that commitment. Love is great, but it means nothing without respect and it should never, ever cost you your sanity. I'm 100% with Angel on this one. Your detaching has allowed you to step back and see the situation and your FH clearly and dispassionately. You're not liking what you're seeing. Maybe you're seeing that he's not the man you thought he was or hoped he'd be, and that's disappointing. What kind of future does your relationship have with your FH continuing indefinitely to support his loser son's loser lifestyle?



sarahbernheart's picture

I know Anne I see the wisdow you write, I am not sure I am ready to give up yet.
but then again I dont know if I am ready to fight either.
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

dwillig's picture

I have to agree with Angel and Anne...what in God's name are you doing with a man who is this unhealthy?! Don't you think that his son is a direct reflection of what your FH is made of? If you're thinking about marrying im, you'll have this issue with his bioson for the rest of your will NOT go away!

dwillig's picture

I hate to man bash here...

Maybe you should do a pros and cons list.

Angel's picture

is right. Date him from afar & "watch" what he does. Don't marry him unless he is "done" coddling that son.

sarahbernheart's picture

i know you all are correct but I have to give it one last try.
I have a year before the wedding and I should know in the next 2 weeks if this will work or not.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

thanks Cru' I know where to find ya!
I was married to a jack ass for 18 yrs 5 yrs longer than I should have been, but I am stubborn irish girl!!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Sita Tara's picture

SB...I have been here and I have a very supportive DH.

Here's the rub with MOST men (not Steve I'm sure!!!!!)

"...he is the kind of guy who just likes to ignore things in hope that they will go away..."

My DH does this too and it drives me nuts. Most recently with the problem we have regarding his former employer's HR rep telling us we were covered by their insurance through the end of his last week there (he finished on a Tue, and had three days vacation coming.) He specifically asked before I had testing done, told them that was why and everything. Then they canceled insurance 24 hours after his last day (Tue.) I had around 700 bucks of testing done two days later, and now no one will return his phone calls from his former employer.

Guess who's doing all the paperwork, all the contacting of atty friends for suggestions, who is preparing all the info for the certified letter, who is having to write specific emails for him to send to the HR rep....


It was the same way in the custody case.

But his friend/old Army buddy needs a letter of reference for HIS custody case, and DH writes it, then asks me to "do your magic" on it. I didn't have time, because I'm running around trying to get this other legal/medical stuff taken care of.

If it is left up to him, we'll just pay my medical testing, because it's not worth the effort to fight it.

SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS? When we asked so this wouldn't happen?

It's frustrating.

But I really think it's all men.

I can't tell you how many times I tell him, "Have you talked to BM about when she wants SD?" or "....To ask BM if she can have SD while we're out of town...." Etc etc. I have to nag. And he gets irritable.

But if we don't force the issue how will anything ever be handled?????

I feel for you.

More later to you on this and your feelings. I have to finish painting my dining room and master bathroom ALONE. My in-laws are coming up tomorrow and the whole house is torn apart!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

sarahbernheart's picture

he is so non confrontational sometimes and then other times when it is not appropriate he is.
I did refuse to help with the move, or the cleaning part of it, his son trashed that place I mean I can not even tell you the mess that he has left there. burns in the carpet, broken tiles, stains in the carpet broken windows broken doors. insanity

have fun painting!
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Sita Tara's picture


I put off these projects and then go hog wild trying to do two at once.

I have been patching, sanding, taping, priming and painting two rooms all week from the time I get up, til....well it's 1:19 am right now and I have a little to finish on a coat in the master bath.

Plus my in-laws are coming at around 4 tomorrow from IN. When I started patching earlier this week DH looked at me and said,
Ummmm....honey...are you SURE you want to do this right now?" I have always poured through projects this way and then end up feeling like crap (can hardly move my head right now and my hands are beat red from holding the roller.)

So....I'm not sure "happy" and painting go hand in hand with me. Always wished I was one of those people who loved painting, and cooking, and gardening...

I just do it cause no one else will!

Oh- and speaking of your post and my original response...

Guess what DH told me tonight?

He called his old plant manager and told him about the HR person telling us we had benefits through the end of his last week, about the tests, the cost, the fact we asked to make sure first, and how no one in HR will return his calls or emails now...

His boss said, "Send me the bill and I will take care of it."

I swear Sarah...every single time I complain, even just a little about my DH..

I end up feeling like an arse!
"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

Sita Tara's picture

I have a friend who used to love to help me. Once when I went on vacation she house sat (she was in her twenties and still living with her parents so it was like a vacation for her too.) She asked me to pick out some paint, I left her my credit card (we were best friends so I knew I could trust her with that) and she painted my little dinning room before I returned! What a nice thing to come home to.

She helped me with a few other projects, but then went to school for interior design, so of course now it would be awkward to ask for her help without paying her.

I miss having nearby GF's to help and be helped by! I wish some of you lived closer all the time!

"Om Tare Tutare Ture Mama Ayurpunye Jnana Putin Kuru Svaha"
~Sita Tara Mantra

sarahbernheart's picture

when I was not so detached, but now I kinda go with the flo, and I know in some aspects that is what we all want but have I lost part of my love for him in the process
I guess this next month will be a test.

thank you all so much for being here!!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."