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Unibomber strikes again

sarahbernheart's picture

Ok I may be going out on a limb here but I am pretty sure that Unibomber stole two of FH bicycles. here is the scenario.
FH is an avid bicyclist BMX road mountain bikes you name he is either ridden and ridden it well or fixed it. so he gave his two younger biokids two of his bmx bikes to use at the biomoms house. those things have been over there for about a year.(now remember Unibomber moved out in Nov.) so FH gets a call from bozo and says that his bikes were stolen out of her garage, that "somehow" the garage door didnt go down all the way and someone came in and took the ONLY two bikes that were FH, there were two other ones in there.
Now these two bikes were probably worth about 1100.00 total. so FH asks bozo about filing a police report, she says no that her deductable is 500.00 and FH tells her the bikes are worth more than that and she is like well I dont have serial numbers and FH tells her he has them. so she tells FH she will get back with him
ya right. I will bet my next paycheck that Unibomber who has NO job and has a nasty little drinking habit as well as cig. habit and weed habit, hawked them.. is bozo in on it?? maybe I cant bet anything on that. those two are very much alike in there hatred of FH. I have not brought this up to FH cuz I am pretty sure he would not want to believe it...but I am pretty sure there will never be a police report.
how do these people sleep at night?


Serena's picture

They are his, right? The police will contact unibomber/bozo and they'll either have to turn them over (read -> get them out of hawk) or pay for them. If they then chooses to file a police report and claim them on insurance, then great! If not, you'll no doubt not see a dime out of either of them, but at least they'll know you're serious and maybe prevent it in the future!

sarahbernheart's picture

I dont know how all that works but I will suggest FH file a report see how that goes over.
thanks Serena
"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

Serena's picture

won't pay a claim for theft unless a police report has been filed. I could be wrong (it's happened a time or two), but that has been my experience.

sarahbernheart's picture

she is just making up stupid excuses to NOT call the cops.. she knows what happened to those bikes.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture

but I am sure it has everything to do with that she was in cohoots with Uni to rid themselves of those pesky bikes and to get some decent cash to boot.

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

sarahbernheart's picture have some great questions too.
I almost feel like I am under the lamp..
you missed your calling Columbo!

"Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one."

stepmom2one's picture

if you can.

Not to be rude-- but what was he thinking? They do not need those types of bikes! Buy a couple at Walmart, if he feels the need.

hell I am upset that BM has not returned a $5 top, and underwears!