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Please tell me if I was out of line

Gabby77's picture

Last night my bf, and 2 sds and I went to my mom's for dinner. My puppy was arking at the table so I yelled at her. SD 7 started laughing. My mom asked her why and she said,

"sometimes when Gabby yells I think it's so funny I have to put my face in a pillow to hide my laughing"

This upset me, but I didn't say anything. Then this morning I broached the subject with bf. He was immediately defensive. This was our converstaion

him " it is funny when you yell at the dog"
me " I know but that is not what she is talking about. She means when I yell at her"
him "I've never seen her laugh at you"
me " I don't yell at her when you are around, only when you are not here and I am the primary caregiver. Plus I've seen her laugh at you"
him " she has never done that. Everyone tells me what a great kid she is. Only you ever have a problem with her, and I'm going to take a teachers opinion over yours."
me "fine you know what then just consider me the live in babysitter...I will never have an opinion about YOUR kids again"

Now he's mad at me. All I wanted hime to do was back me up. He told me he'd talk to her about the laughing at me but I can tell you he's going to ask her if she does it, she'll say no, and that will be the end of it.


Sasha's picture

I would be more upset about his comment of taking the teacher's opinion over yours. If that's how he really feels, then he can arrange for the teacher to watch his kid when he's not around.

Hanny's picture

I would have said, then maybe you better get a babysitter for your kids, one who's opinion you value!

Candice's picture

Your bf values someone else's opinion over yours? That was more offensive to me than her laughing laughing at an adult when that adult is reprimanding a child, puppy, called disrespect. Your bf is encouraging her to not respect your authority when you are trying to command discipline by allowing her to laugh at you. And laughing at you at the dinner table is another form of disrespect.


Susanna's picture

I'm not recommending this necessarily but if it was me I would wait until the last minute when he was counting on you to babysit. When he asks why you're leaving say you thought the teacher who's opinion he values was coming over to babysit.

When he gets upset, laugh at him.

"One breath at a time is an acceptable plan."
Ani DiFranco

Sasha's picture

That suggestion is absolutely PRICELESS!