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Gabby77's Blog

Long time since I posted

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Hi everyone. I haven't posted since prior to Christmas when I reported that I was thinking of leaving my fiance. Well I did it. It took me these last two months to work up the courage but I really did it. Now I am faced with a new dilema. I am seven months pregnant and I find myself going from step-mom to bio-mom. How do I deal with this. How do I date other men or allow my daughter anywhere near any of her father's new girlfriends knowing what I know about how I felt as a step-mom. It's a very confusing time for me. ANy advice would be appreciated.

I'm thinking of leaving him

Gabby77's picture

That's right. I think I might leave. I'm 5 months pregnant with my first child and I'm going to be alone. I guess I just realized that whether I'm with him or not I'm all alone.

I can't bring my daughter into that home. I don't want her to grow up thinking that it is right for a man to speak to or treat a woman like that.

I'm tired of him treating my pregnancy like it's a burden and my baby like it is somehow less his child then his completely screwed up 7yo.

Coping with Jealousy

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My 7yo SD is one of the most Jealous children I have ever seen. She is extremely jealous of her 3 year old sister ( they have the same mom and dad) and now that I am pregnant she is gearing up to be worse with the baby. Everyday she regresses more and more. The other day she was looking at my cellphone where I have a picture of the ultrasound as my backround and she asked me , "why do you have a picture of THAT?" I'm not going to lie this hurt me. I explained to her that THAT was the new baby. ( Oh and she already knew what the ultrasound was) How do I deal with this?

Doctors Appointment

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I had my third pre-natal drs appt today. I was nervous because I have had miscarriages in the past. DH couldn't make it. He had to work 8-4. Fine! Whatever. I also needed to have blood taken ( I get dizzy) so my dad was gonna go. DH flipped out saying That I am an adult and should be able to go by myself. Fine FU I went by myself. (If DH really wants to be concerned with people not growing up he shold look at his BD who still calls him, DADA depite constant reminders not to)BLAH.

Merry Freakin Christmas!!!

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SOOOOOO last year DH stated that this would be the first and last year that his kids opened presents at everyones house. He wanted both familes ( his and mine) to bring presents to our house so kids could open from everyone at once. I know some families do this but mine never did. And his parents didn't want to miss the girls opening gifts. SO then we all forgot about it. Well last night he starts with the same BS and states this is the way its gonna be..blah blah blah. SO I just wanted to lay it on the line for him. This is what I said,

I feel so helpless

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I am terrified. My oldest SD is insanely jealous of her 2 year old sister. I mean I have never seen anything like it in my life. DH plays right into this and ignores the little one to give "extra love" to the oldest. He swears he's always fair but I've told him that the little one can't verbalize her feelings as well yet so he has no idea of knowing how she feels. Now I'm pregnant and I know that the 7 year old is going to be miserable once this baby comes. SHe has to monopolize all of her fathers attention.

What is it with the bedrooms?????....long....sorry

Gabby77's picture

I posted before about DH wanting oldest SD 7 to have own room in new house (even though I'm pregnant and she is only with us 3 nigts a week). I wnated her and other SD 2 to share bigger bedroom and save smaller room for Nursery. It was a huge fight but eventually he came around to my side. ( I basically told him if he was giving that room to SD the baby and I weren't moving in with them).

Heaven Help Me

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SO last nighht we told my parents about the baby!!!! Yeah!! Everyone's excited. Then DH feels how he has to give a little speach about how it's important to trat SD 7 equal bn/c she feels left out. I wanted to kill him. First of all he neglected to mention his other daughter 2 ANd I just feel like he had picked a pooor time to discuss this with MY parents. He thinks that SD is left out but really she's just a jealous little sh*t who can't deal with anyone else gettting attention.


Gabby77's picture

Okay so long story short my dh and I are moving. BM is in a bad situation with her current housing. She lives with a Jerk. So dh and I decided it would be great to turn our apartment over to her so she could get out of her current situation. Great! Everyone's happy. PHHLLPS not our landlord. He's being a jerk b/c he wnated us to buy the he says she can't move in. SO now BF and I are discussing the whole screwed up situation...and he feels too I say...but no he feels really bad...yeah me too I he feels bad not just for the kids but for the ex too.
