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is disrespect and laughing a new juvenile medical condition???

JennyBunnyjj's picture

OK this sounds 6 yr old SS lately has started laughing and giggling ( mostly at his father) when we are trying to have a serious talk with him or scolding him for misbehaving. This usually earns him a pop in the mouth after several warnings..but he still wont stop...I would never have done that to my parents as a kid because i had a healthy fear of them...Its almost like he wants to be smacked or literally finds it impossible to take us seriously. Usually while he is giggling, my 9 yr old is trembling in fear and quiet..or will even tell his brother to stop it before they get in more trouble but it still doesn't stop him...what is that about?? Last night we had to call the kids down stairs because it was 10pm and one of them was jumping off the bunk we call them both downstairs..they both denied it..and my SS started laughing when my husband said if it happend again asses were being spanked...of course my husband said stop laughing!!! and he didn't then covered his mouth claiming he could stop..i was sitting across the room growing more agitated...knowing he was about to get popped my SS started whining and husband kept saying " calm down..take a deep breath...calm down..stop laughing" This pissied me off because to me it's effing ridiculous...he blatantly was doing it on purpose and now was being coddled as if he had some medical condition like tourettes. I finally yelled that "this is effing ridiculous" still demanding to know who was jumping off the top of the bunk bed ( something FORBIDDEN in my house) my son said that he did it..he has aspergers and i can tell when he is lying...finally my SS admitted it was him all the long. I guess he was going to let my son take the blame ( annoyed) Sad
again since when is disrespectful laughing and giggling in your parents face a medical sure its not...i can see if the person did it all the time without control...this isnt the case


Auteur's picture

Ahhhh for the good old days of "wipe that smile off your face or I'll wipe it off FOR you!!" (sigh)

Ommy's picture

no it isn't medical it is pain in the ass. He is testing boundaries. FDH's 3 year old does it.

hismineandours's picture

My ss always used to do this as well. IDK if he does it still as I never see anyone get onto him-but he did it all the time when he lived here-he moved out when he was around 10. He did not just to dh or me, but also with teachers, the bus driver, etc and I would get complaints of how he wouldnt take them seriously. I was not very sympathetic, simply said welcome to my world.

I think some kids may giggle because of nerves. I think others may giggle just to see their parent, authority figure lose their cool and have any sort of emotional reaction. So many of these kids want to push buttons-it is a very powerful thing to be able to turn your caregiver into a bundle of nerves who is yelling and saying things that dont always make sense. Some kids also just have no clue of the appropriate ways to behave.

I certainly dont think it is a medical condition. I would have sent the kid to his room until he could come out and discuss things without laughing.

oneoffour's picture

My youngest has ALWAYS smirked or laughed at me telling him off. After many time of losing my temper (which admitedly must look funny)he told me in a quiet moment "Mum, I really am listening to you but I am nervous and I laugh." Goodness knows what the Army think when they call him out and he starts smirking his face off because he is now 20!

Your SS may also be using this as a defusion method.He can take the emphasis out of the situation by laughing or giggling. Everyone concentrates on him laughing and tells him to stop. The REASON for his being called out gets sidelined.

Maybe try not drawing attention to his laughing and giggling and approach his bad behaviour without an explanation. "SS6, you were throwing things out the window so your piunishment is XYZ." "SS6, you were jumpi9ng off your bed. This will break our furniture and you will find yourself without a bed to sleep on. So for the next 3 nights you get a sleeping bag on the floor."

Eventually he will ask to be heard so you get his side.

frustrated-mom's picture

My SD15 pulls crap like this, especially sniggering and smirking when she’s being corrected or told off for bad behavior. I swear, she’s trying to bait DH into hitting her. I wish he would have just to wipe that stupid smirk off her face.