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JennyBunnyjj's Blog

Annoyed as usual

JennyBunnyjj's picture

Nothing new has really happened. I still can't STAND my step-devil. He continues to lie, steal, and torment my 10 yr old autistic son. Recently he stole from my purse AGAIN. Now i have to keep it locked in a cabinet. I even cut a slit at the bottom on the lining to hide things I dont want him to steal, should he get my purse again. My bedroom stays locked and I STILL have to pick it just to get in. Im SICK of it. The little bastard even stole my cell phone for 2 days. I was at the point of ordering a new one when I found it in his possessions. I was PISSSSSSSSED OFF.

Stop judging people

JennyBunnyjj's picture

A few ppl are acting like that was a harsh punishment, but sometimes its required. He wasnt harmed in anyway. His behavior is completely out of hand and if i have to take away ALL of his toys I will. Today was done to show him how it makes everyone else in the house feel when he purposefully destroys our things. Lesson in life. I have literally had to yank him down a store isle to keep him from getting in trouble because I caught him stealing JUST as a store employee noticed it too. Im TRYING to keep him out of the juvenille detention center. It isnt easy and no one gives you a handbook.

A whole new level

JennyBunnyjj's picture

:O I have come to the conclusion that I can't deal with SS's drama without real help and intervention. I refuse to go to therapy. What is the point of me paying a $50 copay just to have to pg 13 down my true feelings. Am I really suppose to say " i hate my SK" and wish my husband had never lowered his standards and laid down with his hideous hairy moled cum dumpster of an ex wife and spawned this seed of satan. Of course not. Im not paying for him to judge me. SOOOOOO...i;ve decided to try hypno therapy. Sounds crazy I know but what do I have to lose. My husband shockingly was on-board.

convinced im a martyr

JennyBunnyjj's picture

Im convinced that any other woman would have left DH by now or thrown SS down a well. I must be a good one with alot of persevance. It's certainly not easy. Ive gotten myself into something deeper than I can dig myself out of. I told DH to his face and SS...any other woman would be GONE by now

Dont make excuses for them

JennyBunnyjj's picture

Let's stop excusing these devilish kids and their behavior because of their age. I could see if they are toddlers and don't know right from wrong. Im sick of people including my DH saying oh he's just acting his age. Bullshit, my son didn't act that way at that age, neither did my brother. I've only known one person who admitted to their son being a terror at that age, and he eventually grew out of it once he reached adulthood. It's not their age its your child. Giving them everything they want, threating them like the world revolves around them.

So tired of it

JennyBunnyjj's picture

I swear my ss is a devil dressed in angel's clothing. 2 weeks ago was BS's birthday. As usual SS acted out, misbehaved, and was a nightmare all day. The following day, he opened most of BS's gifts and ruined a few of them. One year he took scissors to BS's birthday ballons and pokemon cards. BS NEVER does this on SS's birthday. Today SS walks up to DH and starts whispering. I say "ummm why are you whispering unless you're talking about me".

For once this is not about SS

JennyBunnyjj's picture

I just have to vent about how much I loathe DH's mother and her entire side of the family. SD's side of the family is easy going and BD's side of the family is very nice..his mom and her side of the family pain in my ass. They always volunteer me for things and events and expect me to be there, put me on the spot and try to guilt trip me. His mom and I bump heads but i TRY to get along with her.

The reality is, your SK may never out grow their issues (true story)

JennyBunnyjj's picture

Im gonna lay out the background facts as to not confuse people. My DH's mom got remarried when he was 5 he also had a 3 yr old sister, his new step dad had a 6 yr old son. DH was the quiet shy, weak one if you will ( not my words) his sister was the only girl and youngest so naturally she could do no wrong ( naturally) his step brother was the hell cat. This mirrors our now family situation (except the little sister is a baby brother) Dh was constantly beat up and harrased by his SB. His parents fought constantly about SB's behavior, which tore a rift between them.

Fought with DH

JennyBunnyjj's picture

What a horrible night. SS is like a fly that buzzes around your swat at it and it still comes back. The most annoying human being I have ever met. Once the kids were in bed (SS irritated me ALL day) I told DH that, basically his child is annoying, I cant stand him, Im sorry but that's the truth. DH says" well i claim your son but you don't claim mine, you never have" : well ss has been in my life for 3 yrs and has been BAD and obnoxious the entire time! SO we argued for a good hour trying to get each other to see our points.

How do I difuse a temper tantrum???

JennyBunnyjj's picture

SS almost 7 has temper tantrums that sometimes come out of nowhere..they last for almost an hour, he will go upstairs..cry loudly so that everyone can hear him...take breaks then start again..jump on his bed so that it bangs into the neighbor's wall..shout whatever it is he wants EXP: but i wanna go outside or i wanna some chips over and over and OVER literally..or if he is down stairs he will fall to the floor, kick his feet and act as if he physically cant get up when you tell him too.
